Construction sites ready for the Kid Campus by MC A

06 Aug 2019

1 min

A new step towards the realization of the maxi project Campus Kid, which includes a new institute at the forefront, with numerous green spaces. A total investment of 7.92 million euros

By Zoe Pederzini

The demolition works of the Jussi school in San Lazzaro are proceeding. The new project by Mario Cucinella Architects aims to create a unitary complex (school, gym and auditorium) in harmony with the urban park. The existing structure will be replaced by two school buildings. The traditional corridors will be replaced with inclusive and flexible spaces and the plexus will become a socio-cultural tool.

The works that are being carried out are specifically aimed at the demolition of the old body of the Jussi […] and the next construction of the new Jussi-Donini school complex. The project has a total value of 7.92 million euros and has been financed for 3 million by the Region and for another 3 million by the State.

The construction of places for children and young people becomes a starting point for reflection on the role of architecture as an educational tool: the space conditions the behaviour of young people and some studies show that children who grew up in a comfortable, stimulating and inclusive, become more aware. This is the objective of the Cucinella project, which includes the redevelopment of the quadrant between Woolf and Kennedy streets, the extension of the Jussi schools, the reconstruction of the Donini schools, the creation of a sports area with a stadium, swimming pool and soccer fields and a cultural area with an auditorium theatre. […]

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