19 Oct 2021

2 min

MC A – Mario Cucinella Architects is committed since its foundation on researching solutions to current environmental and social challenges, believing that beauty goes beyond esthetic but instead combines energy efficiency with empathy to the spirit of people and places, posing a promise to our collective future. We bring together many inputs, from pre-carbon traditional knowledge to new technology, to create buildings that can reduce their carbon footprint, aligned with international objectives and with a positive impact on society.
  • MC A always invests in research and has an R&D unit committed to developing sustainability innovation both theoretically and in practice by implementing its competencies on the most demanding themes, such as passive control of cooling loads through massing and facade optimization, outdoor and indoor comfort, innovative construction practices (off-site and additive manufacturing) and off-grid systems.
  • The firm is also committed to show evidence of its achievements reporting evincible data on environmental performances, such as the reduction of incident solar radiation and perceived temperature (UTCI method – Universal Thermal Climate Index), Life Cycle Assessment at the building scale and massing study in regard of permeability to breezes, passive shading, inclusion of greenery and material choices
  • MC A this year is also committed into realizing a Post-occupancy evaluation of its offices, aimed at assessing the actual impact in terms of consumption, emissions and psycho-physical well-being of employees, mastering the methodology and applying it afterwards to its projects.

MC A social responsibility has also supported multiple no-profit projects and the rise of our SOS – School of Sustainability to leverage collective intelligence and pass the knowledge to new generations of professionals committed to the environmental cause.

MC A – Mario Cucinella Architects is among the 80+ largest and most influential architectural, engineering, and construction firms and professional organizations that issued the 1.5oC COP26 Communiqué – a challenge to sovereign world governments to step up their commitments to reducing carbon emissions from the built environment to meet the Paris Agreement’s 1.5oC carbon budget. 

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