New School of Montebelluna

New School of Montebelluna

The project is located in the municipality of Montebelluna at the foot of Montello Mountain, a territory of high natural and anthropic quality.

The school integrates with the context articulating itself in various “pavilions” that come alive among the vegetation, like a “house in the woods” where pupils grow in direct contact with nature, stimulated by a lively environment where interiors and exteriors are in continuity.

This generates welcoming and inclusive educational spaces that put the well-being of students first, but also of teachers and the community. Furthermore then being a place of 360-degree learning, the school represents an essential polarity in the urban fabric creating a new neighborhood, recognizable in the territory and integrated through a series of services and strategies that mitigate the impact of the work, such as materials, colors and planting in continuity with the natural landscape.

The new school complex consists of 6 volumes on a single ground floor level, which are developed organically around a central core with a courtyard (the agora), and configured as monolithic masses with an essential design, well identifiable and functionally differentiated. In this system, a fundamental role is played by the teaching blocks: each of them hosts 1 laboratory and 4 classrooms in close relationship with the external garden due to a “loggia” designed as an “open-air” extension of the teaching space.

The intervention is characterized by the numerous green spaces, such as the garden (with “wooded” areas and an educational garden), the central courtyard and the entrance, a new neighborhood “plaza” for the school community. Each of these spaces, as well as the internal ones, is designed in every detail to function as a “third” educator and become a continuation of the surrounding urban and natural environment.

The child and the respect for his characteristics and emotional well-being is always at the center of every design choice. In fact, the quality of the spaces depends on how these knowledge interact in order to configure environments that take into account the multiple aspects connected to growth.

This is architecturally expressed in the shape of the spaces, in their organization, in the set of sensory perceptions related to light, colors, sounds, tactile suggestions; all elements that remain in the child’s memory, and that influence their future development. Source by Mario Cucinella Architects.

Client: Municipality of  Montebelluna
Type: Competition
Project: Mario Cucinella Architects
Team: Mario Cucinella, Marco Dell’Agli (Project Director), Luca Sandri e Tommaso Bettini (Design Leaders), Angelo Ungarelli , Martina Ruini, Teo Brandi; Elena Biason e Michela Galassi (R&D), Valentina Porceddu (R&D Director).
Visual: Sebastian Beldean, Guglielmo Barberi.
Structural engineering: Francesca Barone e Marco Fontana Ingegneri Associati
Mechanical engineering STIEM ENGINEERING Soc. Coop. aR.L
Geology: Dr.Paolo Dal Pian
Acoustics: Ing. Denise Borsoi
Landscape: Arch. Valerio Cozzi

The school integrates with the context articulating itself in various “pavilions” that come alive among the vegetation, like a “house in the woods” where pupils grow in direct contact with nature, stimulated by a lively environment where interiors and exteriors are in continuity.

This generates welcoming and inclusive educational spaces that put the well-being of students first, but also of teachers and the community. Furthermore then being a place of 360-degree learning, the school represents an essential polarity in the urban fabric creating a new neighborhood, recognizable in the territory and integrated through a series of services and strategies that mitigate the impact of the work, such as materials, colors and planting in continuity with the natural landscape.

The new school complex consists of 6 volumes on a single ground floor level, which are developed organically around a central core with a courtyard (the agora), and configured as monolithic masses with an essential design, well identifiable and functionally differentiated. In this system, a fundamental role is played by the teaching blocks: each of them hosts 1 laboratory and 4 classrooms in close relationship with the external garden due to a “loggia” designed as an “open-air” extension of the teaching space.

The intervention is characterized by the numerous green spaces, such as the garden (with “wooded” areas and an educational garden), the central courtyard and the entrance, a new neighborhood “plaza” for the school community. Each of these spaces, as well as the internal ones, is designed in every detail to function as a “third” educator and become a continuation of the surrounding urban and natural environment.

The child and the respect for his characteristics and emotional well-being is always at the center of every design choice. In fact, the quality of the spaces depends on how these knowledge interact in order to configure environments that take into account the multiple aspects connected to growth.

This is architecturally expressed in the shape of the spaces, in their organization, in the set of sensory perceptions related to light, colors, sounds, tactile suggestions; all elements that remain in the child’s memory, and that influence their future development. Source by Mario Cucinella Architects.

Client: Municipality of  Montebelluna
Type: Competition
Project: Mario Cucinella Architects
Team: Mario Cucinella, Marco Dell’Agli (Project Director), Luca Sandri e Tommaso Bettini (Design Leaders), Angelo Ungarelli , Martina Ruini, Teo Brandi; Elena Biason e Michela Galassi (R&D), Valentina Porceddu (R&D Director).
Visual: Sebastian Beldean, Guglielmo Barberi.
Structural engineering: Francesca Barone e Marco Fontana Ingegneri Associati
Mechanical engineering STIEM ENGINEERING Soc. Coop. aR.L
Geology: Dr.Paolo Dal Pian
Acoustics: Ing. Denise Borsoi
Landscape: Arch. Valerio Cozzi

The school integrates with the context articulating itself in various “pavilions” that come alive among the vegetation, like a “house in the woods” where pupils grow in direct contact with nature, stimulated by a lively environment where interiors and exteriors are in continuity.

This generates welcoming and inclusive educational spaces that put the well-being of students first, but also of teachers and the community. Furthermore then being a place of 360-degree learning, the school represents an essential polarity in the urban fabric creating a new neighborhood, recognizable in the territory and integrated through a series of services and strategies that mitigate the impact of the work, such as materials, colors and planting in continuity with the natural landscape.

The new school complex consists of 6 volumes on a single ground floor level, which are developed organically around a central core with a courtyard (the agora), and configured as monolithic masses with an essential design, well identifiable and functionally differentiated. In this system, a fundamental role is played by the teaching blocks: each of them hosts 1 laboratory and 4 classrooms in close relationship with the external garden due to a “loggia” designed as an “open-air” extension of the teaching space.

The intervention is characterized by the numerous green spaces, such as the garden (with “wooded” areas and an educational garden), the central courtyard and the entrance, a new neighborhood “plaza” for the school community. Each of these spaces, as well as the internal ones, is designed in every detail to function as a “third” educator and become a continuation of the surrounding urban and natural environment.

The child and the respect for his characteristics and emotional well-being is always at the center of every design choice. In fact, the quality of the spaces depends on how these knowledge interact in order to configure environments that take into account the multiple aspects connected to growth.

This is architecturally expressed in the shape of the spaces, in their organization, in the set of sensory perceptions related to light, colors, sounds, tactile suggestions; all elements that remain in the child’s memory, and that influence their future development. Source by Mario Cucinella Architects.

Client: Municipality of  Montebelluna
Type: Competition
Project: Mario Cucinella Architects
Team: Mario Cucinella, Marco Dell’Agli (Project Director), Luca Sandri e Tommaso Bettini (Design Leaders), Angelo Ungarelli , Martina Ruini, Teo Brandi; Elena Biason e Michela Galassi (R&D), Valentina Porceddu (R&D Director).
Visual: Sebastian Beldean, Guglielmo Barberi.
Structural engineering: Francesca Barone e Marco Fontana Ingegneri Associati
Mechanical engineering STIEM ENGINEERING Soc. Coop. aR.L
Geology: Dr.Paolo Dal Pian
Acoustics: Ing. Denise Borsoi
Landscape: Arch. Valerio Cozzi

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La scuola si integra con il contesto articolandosi in vari “padiglioni” che si animano tra la vegetazione, come una “casa nel bosco” dove gli alunni crescono a diretto contatto con la natura, stimolati da un ambiente vivace dove interni ed esterni si susseguono e generano spazi educativi accoglienti e inclusivi che mettono al primo posto il benessere degli studenti, ma anche degli insegnanti e della comunità.

Se da un lato la scuola è il luogo dell’apprendimento a 360 gradi, dall’altro rappresenta una polarità importante nelle dinamiche del tessuto urbano ricreando un vero e proprio nuovo quartiere, riconoscibile nel territorio e allo stesso tempo integrato attraverso una serie di servizi e strategie volte alla mitigazione dell’impatto dell’opera, come materiali, colorazioni e piantumazioni in continuità con il paesaggio naturale.

Il nuovo polo scolastico, è costituito da 6 volumi sviluppati in un unico livello, che si dispongono organicamente attorno ad un nucleo centrale con cortile (l’agorà), e che si configurano come masse monolitiche dal disegno essenziale, ben identificabili e funzionalmente differenziate. In questo impianto, un ruolo fondamentale è ricoperto dai blocchi per la didattica: ognuno di essi ospita 1 laboratorio e 4 aule che sono in stretta relazione con il giardino esterno grazie ad una loggia pensata come estensione “open-air” dello spazio per l’insegnamento. L’intervento è fortemente caratterizzato dai numerosi spazi verdi, come il giardino (dotato di aree “boschive” e un orto didattico), il cortile centrale e il piazzale di ingresso, nuova “piazza” di quartiere per la comunità scolastica. Ognuno di questi spazi come anche quelli interni, è pensato in ogni dettaglio per funzionare da “terzo” educatore e diventare una prosecuzione dell’ambiente circostante sia naturale che urbano.

Al centro di ogni scelta progettuale c’è sempre il bambino e il rispetto delle sue caratteristiche evolutive e del suo benessere emotivo. La qualità degli spazi dipende infatti da come questi saperi riescono ad interagire in modo da configurare ambienti che tengano conto dei molteplici aspetti collegati alla crescita. Ciò si declina architettonicamente nella forma degli spazi, nella loro organizzazione, nell’insieme delle percezioni sensoriali legate alla luce, ai colori, alle sonorità, alle suggestioni tattili; elementi che rimangono nella memoria del bambino e che ne condizionano lo sviluppo futuro.

Tipologia: Gara pubblica
Cliente: Comune di Montebelluna
Progetto: Mario Cucinella Architects
Team: MMario Cucinella, Marco Dell’Agli (Project Director), Luca Sandri e Tommaso Bettini (Design Leader), Angelo Ungarelli, Martina Ruini, Teo Brandi, Ottavio Bariselli, Davide Raffaelli, Elena Giugni. Valentina Porceddu Elena Biason e Michela Galassi (R&D)
Visual: Sebastian Beldean, Guglielmo Barberi. (Mario Cucinella Architects)
Progetto Strutturale: Francesca Barone e Marco Fontana Ingegneri Associati
Progetto Impiantistico: STIEM ENGINEERING Soc. Coop. aR.L
Geologo: Dr.Paolo Dal Pian
Acustica: Ing. Denise Borsoi
Landscape: Arch. Valerio Cozzi



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