Valle d’Aosta University Campus

A new landmark for the city of Aosta

Recovering a site for new cultural activities

Located in a central area near Aosta's historic centre, MCA's project focuses on conserving and repurposing the existing main buildings of the former Testafochi Barracks, and the construction of a university campus.

Whilst the project is strongly recognisable as a landmark in present-day Aosta, it respects the plan arrangement of the original system but revolutionises the whole area by opening it up to the city. The buildings are designed to contain spaces for teaching, and shared activities for the various faculties, which can accommodate approximately 2000 students. The new project enhances the cultural activities by expanding the heritage of green areas and integrating them to form a system that passes across the city.

Contemporary architecture that collaborates with the landscape

The project for the new university campus in Aosta exemplifies how it is possible to conceive of a contemporary architecture that collaborates with the landscape and the climate. Our choice of the iceberg as an inspiration for the project is not an arbitrary or a merely formal gesture.

On one hand, its colours and features establish a strong link with the snow-covered alpine landscape, departing from the austere rigidity of the former military barracks. On the other hand, they give rise to a form that guarantees excellent energy performance. Within the university there is a focus on an organisational model in which the new building, inspired by the structural patterns observed in plant organisms, possesses its own inherent functional autonomy.

Contemporary architecture that collaborates with the landscape

The project for the new university campus in Aosta exemplifies how it is possible to conceive of a contemporary architecture that collaborates with the landscape and the climate. Our choice of the iceberg as an inspiration for the project is not an arbitrary or a merely formal gesture.

On one hand, its colours and features establish a strong link with the snow-covered alpine landscape, departing from the austere rigidity of the former military barracks. On the other hand, they give rise to a form that guarantees excellent energy performance. Within the university there is a focus on an organisational model in which the new building, inspired by the structural patterns observed in plant organisms, possesses its own inherent functional autonomy.

Contemporary architecture that collaborates with the landscape

The project for the new university campus in Aosta exemplifies how it is possible to conceive of a contemporary architecture that collaborates with the landscape and the climate. Our choice of the iceberg as an inspiration for the project is not an arbitrary or a merely formal gesture.

On one hand, its colours and features establish a strong link with the snow-covered alpine landscape, departing from the austere rigidity of the former military barracks. On the other hand, they give rise to a form that guarantees excellent energy performance. Within the university there is a focus on an organisational model in which the new building, inspired by the structural patterns observed in plant organisms, possesses its own inherent functional autonomy.

Un’architettura contemporanea in complicità con il paesaggio

Contemporary architecture that collaborates with the landscape

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Un’architettura contemporanea in complicità con il paesaggio

Il progetto per il nuovo Polo Universitario di Aosta è un esempio di come sia possibile concepire un’architettura contemporanea in complicità con il paesaggio e con il clima. L’immagine del ghiacciaio che ispira il progetto non è casuale, né mero gesto formale.

Colori e caratteristiche creano da un lato un legame forte con il paesaggio alpino innevato, discostandosi dall’estrema rigidità delle preesistenze della Caserma, dall’altro generano una forma che garantisce elevate performance energetiche. All’interno dell’università viene privilegiata un’organizzazione in cui l’edificio, rifacendosi alle forme organizzative degli organismi vegetali, è dotato di propria autonomia funzionale.

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The former Zerboglio Building

The project comprises four above-ground levels (ground floor, first, second, and third floor) and two basement levels.

Where the facades are close to the teaching spaces, they gradually become less dense from the first level upwards. This variation in the geometric features and the materials used depends on the level and orientation, and optimises the penetration and modulation of natural daylight. On the other hand, where the facade is adjacent to the main university square, the skin is deformed and compacted so that it integrates as much as possible, effectively transforming a part of the facade of the new building into an element of urban embellishment.

The former Zerboglio Building

The project comprises four above-ground levels (ground floor, first, second, and third floor) and two basement levels.

Where the facades are close to the teaching spaces, they gradually become less dense from the first level upwards. This variation in the geometric features and the materials used depends on the level and orientation, and optimises the penetration and modulation of natural daylight. On the other hand, where the facade is adjacent to the main university square, the skin is deformed and compacted so that it integrates as much as possible, effectively transforming a part of the facade of the new building into an element of urban embellishment.

The former Zerboglio Building

The project comprises four above-ground levels (ground floor, first, second, and third floor) and two basement levels.

Where the facades are close to the teaching spaces, they gradually become less dense from the first level upwards. This variation in the geometric features and the materials used depends on the level and orientation, and optimises the penetration and modulation of natural daylight. On the other hand, where the facade is adjacent to the main university square, the skin is deformed and compacted so that it integrates as much as possible, effectively transforming a part of the facade of the new building into an element of urban embellishment.

Palazzina Ex Zerboglio

The former Zerboglio Building

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Palazzina Ex Zerboglio

Il progetto si sviluppa su 4 livelli fuori terra (piano terreno, piano primo, secondo e terzo) e 2 livelli interrati.

Le caratteristiche geometriche e i materiali delle facciate mutano in funzione del livello e dell’affaccio, diradandosi a partire dal primo livello ed in adiacenza agli spazi destinati alla didattica in modo da garantire l’accesso e la modulazione ottimale della luce naturale. A ridosso della piazza universitaria, invece, la pelle si deforma e si compatta in modo da consentirne al massimo l’integrazione e trasformando di fatto una parte del prospetto del nuovo fabbricato in elemento di arredo urbano.

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"The university campus of Valle d’Aosta is an example of how architecture can interact with the territory, respecting the past while opening new spaces for sharing in the future. The recovery of the former Testafochi Barracks is not only urban regeneration but is also an opportunity to create a new cultural and educational reference point for the city of Aosta. This project demonstrates how it is possible to combine historical memory with an innovative vision capable of meeting the community's needs and the environmental challenges of our time."

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East elevation by MCA
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North elevation by MCA
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West elevation by MCA
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South elevation by MCA
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The functions of the former Zerboglio Building

The cafeteria, and the entrance to the Main Hall were deliberately placed on the ground floor near the ends. This decision enhances access to the square by making the ground floor visually and physically "permeable".

There are teaching rooms at all the above-ground levels, all looking towards the city.

The functions of the former Zerboglio Building

The cafeteria, and the entrance to the Main Hall were deliberately placed on the ground floor near the ends. This decision enhances access to the square by making the ground floor visually and physically "permeable".

There are teaching rooms at all the above-ground levels, all looking towards the city.

The functions of the former Zerboglio Building

The cafeteria, and the entrance to the Main Hall were deliberately placed on the ground floor near the ends. This decision enhances access to the square by making the ground floor visually and physically "permeable".

There are teaching rooms at all the above-ground levels, all looking towards the city.

Le funzioni della Palazzina Ex Zerboglio

The functions of the former Zerboglio Building

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Le funzioni della Palazzina Ex Zerboglio

Al piano terra ed in particolare in prossimità delle estremità sono state posizionate la caffetteria e l’accesso all’Aula Magna; la scelta di posizionare le funzioni a questo livello, favorisce l’accesso alla piazza così da rendere il piano terra “permeabile” sia a livello visivo, sia a livello fisico.

Le aule sono distribuite a tutti i livelli fuori terra e sono tutte rivolte verso la città.

Floor plans

Floor plans

Floor plans


Floor plans

Didactic Plan PT+0
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Didactic Plan PT+1
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Didactic Plan PT-1
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Floor Plans


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All the plantrooms, services ducts, and maintenance spaces are at the basement levels, together with a number of educational functions. Two computer laboratories are at level -1. They receive natural daylight and ventilation from a large patio/courtyard excavated out of the large surface of the piazza, next to the new building.

The Main Hall, which seats up to 174 people, is at level -2. Opening up this previously enclosed site to the city means not just uncovering its historical military significance but also providing the city with new spaces for sharing and living.

All the plantrooms, services ducts, and maintenance spaces are at the basement levels, together with a number of educational functions. Two computer laboratories are at level -1. They receive natural daylight and ventilation from a large patio/courtyard excavated out of the large surface of the piazza, next to the new building.

The Main Hall, which seats up to 174 people, is at level -2. Opening up this previously enclosed site to the city means not just uncovering its historical military significance but also providing the city with new spaces for sharing and living.

All the plantrooms, services ducts, and maintenance spaces are at the basement levels, together with a number of educational functions. Two computer laboratories are at level -1. They receive natural daylight and ventilation from a large patio/courtyard excavated out of the large surface of the piazza, next to the new building.

The Main Hall, which seats up to 174 people, is at level -2. Opening up this previously enclosed site to the city means not just uncovering its historical military significance but also providing the city with new spaces for sharing and living.

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Nei livelli interrati sono stati realizzati, oltre ad alcune attività didattiche, anche tutti i locali tecnici per i quali è stata prevista la costruzione di appositi cavedi e spazi di manutenzione. Al livello -1 sono collocati due laboratori informatici, per la cui illuminazione e ventilazione naturale è stato realizzato un grande patio/cortile ritagliato a latere del nuovo fabbricato sulla grande superficie della piazza.

Al livello -2 si trova l’Aula Magna che ospita fino a 174 posti. Aprire i confini di questa area alla città significa rendere visibile la memoria della vecchia funzione militare e al tempo stesso donare alla città nuovi spazi di condivisione e di vita.

©Duccio Malagamba
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©Duccio Malagamba
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In terms of the building's recognisability and its interaction with the external spaces, the facade system is undoubtedly the most defining element.

This system is handled differently on the city-facing side as opposed to the side facing the piazza. On the piazza side, adjacent to the circulation spaces, a framed enclosure was created, consisting of metal strips and horizontal boxes made from Betacryl acrylic stone. These elements form the supporting structure for the glazed and opaque sections of the facade, while also acting as an effective solar screening system.

The structure of the building consists of large reinforced concrete floors supported on a series of reinforced concrete walls. As well as enabling the creation of spacious areas without the need for supporting elements, this solution also provided an advantage in how the classrooms are positioned.

In terms of the building's recognisability and its interaction with the external spaces, the facade system is undoubtedly the most defining element.

This system is handled differently on the city-facing side as opposed to the side facing the piazza. On the piazza side, adjacent to the circulation spaces, a framed enclosure was created, consisting of metal strips and horizontal boxes made from Betacryl acrylic stone. These elements form the supporting structure for the glazed and opaque sections of the facade, while also acting as an effective solar screening system.

The structure of the building consists of large reinforced concrete floors supported on a series of reinforced concrete walls. As well as enabling the creation of spacious areas without the need for supporting elements, this solution also provided an advantage in how the classrooms are positioned.

In terms of the building's recognisability and its interaction with the external spaces, the facade system is undoubtedly the most defining element.

This system is handled differently on the city-facing side as opposed to the side facing the piazza. On the piazza side, adjacent to the circulation spaces, a framed enclosure was created, consisting of metal strips and horizontal boxes made from Betacryl acrylic stone. These elements form the supporting structure for the glazed and opaque sections of the facade, while also acting as an effective solar screening system.

The structure of the building consists of large reinforced concrete floors supported on a series of reinforced concrete walls. As well as enabling the creation of spacious areas without the need for supporting elements, this solution also provided an advantage in how the classrooms are positioned.

Sistema di facciata

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Sistema di facciata

Il sistema di facciata costituisce senza dubbio l’elemento più caratterizzante in termini di relazione con gli spazi esterni e di riconoscibilità dell’edificio.

Tale sistema è stato trattato diversamente tra fronte città e fronte piazza prevedendo per quest’ultimo, a ridosso degli spazi di circolazione, la creazione di un involucro intelaiato. Quest’ultimo è costituito da centine metalliche e da cassoni scatolari orizzontali in Betacryl, che costituiscono la struttura portante delle partizioni vetrate e opache di facciata e al contempo un efficace sistema di schermatura solare.

Strutturalmente l’edificio è basato sull’impiego di grandi solai in cemento armato sostenuti da una serie di setti (anche essi in cemento armato). Tale soluzione, oltre a consentire la creazione di ampie campate libere da elementi portanti, ha portato un vantaggio nel posizionamento delle aule.

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Environmental strategies

Analysing the typical climatic conditions of the location was fundamental for constructing a climate-responsive building.

By identifying the potential of the site and such critical issues as sun paths, shadow dynamics, and exposure to the prevailing winds, we designed a solution that provides effective protection against extreme weather conditions whilst exploiting the environmental resources to support its operation.

Environmental strategies

Analysing the typical climatic conditions of the location was fundamental for constructing a climate-responsive building.

By identifying the potential of the site and such critical issues as sun paths, shadow dynamics, and exposure to the prevailing winds, we designed a solution that provides effective protection against extreme weather conditions whilst exploiting the environmental resources to support its operation.

Environmental strategies

Analysing the typical climatic conditions of the location was fundamental for constructing a climate-responsive building.

By identifying the potential of the site and such critical issues as sun paths, shadow dynamics, and exposure to the prevailing winds, we designed a solution that provides effective protection against extreme weather conditions whilst exploiting the environmental resources to support its operation.

Strategie ambientali

Environmental strategies

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Strategie ambientali

L’analisi delle condizioni climatiche tipiche del luogo è stata fondamentale nella costruzione di un edificio climaticamente reattivo.

Individuando le potenzialità e le criticità dell’area di intervento, come i percorsi solari, la dinamica delle ombre e l’esposizione ai venti dominanti, abbiamo studiato una soluzione che permetta una protezione efficace alle condizioni metereologiche estreme, sfruttando al contempo le risorse ambientali per sostenere la propria operatività.

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Our analysis of solar radiation at the site showed that it was shaded by the southern slope of the valley, particularly in winter. Optimisation of the form therefore suggested a solution in which the presence of the new buildings only minimally affects the amount of sunlight falling on the surrounding buildings, if at all.

The high daily and seasonal temperature fluctuations, combined with the factors mentioned above, guided us to design volumetric shapes that maximise compactness and are very well thermally insulated. The integrated design of the enclosures and building services will ensure that the buildings have low energy consumption while simultaneously utilising renewable sources.

Our analysis of solar radiation at the site showed that it was shaded by the southern slope of the valley, particularly in winter. Optimisation of the form therefore suggested a solution in which the presence of the new buildings only minimally affects the amount of sunlight falling on the surrounding buildings, if at all.

The high daily and seasonal temperature fluctuations, combined with the factors mentioned above, guided us to design volumetric shapes that maximise compactness and are very well thermally insulated. The integrated design of the enclosures and building services will ensure that the buildings have low energy consumption while simultaneously utilising renewable sources.

Our analysis of solar radiation at the site showed that it was shaded by the southern slope of the valley, particularly in winter. Optimisation of the form therefore suggested a solution in which the presence of the new buildings only minimally affects the amount of sunlight falling on the surrounding buildings, if at all.

The high daily and seasonal temperature fluctuations, combined with the factors mentioned above, guided us to design volumetric shapes that maximise compactness and are very well thermally insulated. The integrated design of the enclosures and building services will ensure that the buildings have low energy consumption while simultaneously utilising renewable sources.

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L’analisi dell’irraggiamento solare sull’area di progetto ha evidenziato un ombreggiamento generato dal versante sud della valle sul lotto soprattutto nel periodo invernale. L’ottimizzazione della forma ha così suggerito una soluzione in cui la presenza dei nuovi edifici non riduca, se non in maniera trascurabile, l’illuminazione solare delle costruzioni circostanti.

L’elevata escursione termica giornaliera e stagionale, combinata con i fattori sopra descritti, ha orientato la progettazione di volumetrie caratterizzate dalla massima compattezza e da un elevato livello di isolamento termico. La progettazione integrata degli involucri e degli impianti garantirà un basso consumo energetico degli edifici e il contemporaneo utilizzo di fonti rinnovabili.

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SIV - Société Infrastructures Valdôtaines
Aosta, Italia
52.000 sqm


Mario Cucinella Architects

Project Team

Mario Cucinella
Team member
Project Director
Esperto in Architettura Sanitaria
Giulio Desiderio
Interior Design
Team Member
Project Leader
Donato Labella
Team Member
Design Leader
Design Director
Michele Olivieri
Team Member
BIM Manager
Fabrizio Bonatti
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
Team Member
Julissa Gutarra
Team Member
Nada Balestri
David Hirsh
Rigoberto Arambula
Team Member
Luca Stramigioli
Davide Stolfi
Giulia Pentella
Team Member
Alberto Bruno
Model Maker
Model Maker Coordinator
Team Member
Modeling Unit Manager
Yuri Costantini
Mario Cucinella
Team member
Project Director
Esperto in Architettura Sanitaria
Giulio Desiderio
Interior Design
Team Member
Project Leader