Kwame Nkrumah Presidential Library

A large square of knowledge

The Kwame Nkrumah Presidential Library was born from the dream of Samia Nkrumah, the daughter of the political leader Kwame Nkrumah who led Ghana to independence in 1957.

She is now leading the political movement of the father Convention People ‘s Party. The library is designed as a large square of knowledge: a catalyst tool for society and a privileged engine for social innovation. There are spaces for reading and consultation but also spaces of meeting and confrontation.

There are spaces for events and conferences, workshops and activities of co-working, workshops for music and visual arts and crafts. The library will become part of the network of the Ghanaian education system being one of key tool for the training of new generations. The project is localized to Akosombo, near Lake Volta , the largest artificial lake in the world, a source of drinking water and fishing site where live more than 2 million Ghanaians. Finally, the Kwame Nkrumah’s Presidential Library is a bioclimatic building able to maintain high levels of thermal, visual and audible comfort throughout the whole year, thanks to the balance of a few elements: shape, materials and simple technologies.

Surface: 4600 mq
Project: Mario Cucinella Architects
Team: Mario Cucinella, Michele Olivieri, Emanuele Dionigi, Monica Luppi, Pietro Marziali, Gabriele Motta, Giulia Pentella, Luca Sandri. Models: Yuri Costantini, Ambra Cicognani, Letizia Lanzi
Visual: Cristian Chierici CC 79; Engram Studio
Photo credit: Moreno Maggi

She is now leading the political movement of the father Convention People ‘s Party. The library is designed as a large square of knowledge: a catalyst tool for society and a privileged engine for social innovation. There are spaces for reading and consultation but also spaces of meeting and confrontation.

There are spaces for events and conferences, workshops and activities of co-working, workshops for music and visual arts and crafts. The library will become part of the network of the Ghanaian education system being one of key tool for the training of new generations. The project is localized to Akosombo, near Lake Volta , the largest artificial lake in the world, a source of drinking water and fishing site where live more than 2 million Ghanaians. Finally, the Kwame Nkrumah’s Presidential Library is a bioclimatic building able to maintain high levels of thermal, visual and audible comfort throughout the whole year, thanks to the balance of a few elements: shape, materials and simple technologies.

Surface: 4600 mq
Project: Mario Cucinella Architects
Team: Mario Cucinella, Michele Olivieri, Emanuele Dionigi, Monica Luppi, Pietro Marziali, Gabriele Motta, Giulia Pentella, Luca Sandri. Models: Yuri Costantini, Ambra Cicognani, Letizia Lanzi
Visual: Cristian Chierici CC 79; Engram Studio
Photo credit: Moreno Maggi

She is now leading the political movement of the father Convention People ‘s Party. The library is designed as a large square of knowledge: a catalyst tool for society and a privileged engine for social innovation. There are spaces for reading and consultation but also spaces of meeting and confrontation.

There are spaces for events and conferences, workshops and activities of co-working, workshops for music and visual arts and crafts. The library will become part of the network of the Ghanaian education system being one of key tool for the training of new generations. The project is localized to Akosombo, near Lake Volta , the largest artificial lake in the world, a source of drinking water and fishing site where live more than 2 million Ghanaians. Finally, the Kwame Nkrumah’s Presidential Library is a bioclimatic building able to maintain high levels of thermal, visual and audible comfort throughout the whole year, thanks to the balance of a few elements: shape, materials and simple technologies.

Surface: 4600 mq
Project: Mario Cucinella Architects
Team: Mario Cucinella, Michele Olivieri, Emanuele Dionigi, Monica Luppi, Pietro Marziali, Gabriele Motta, Giulia Pentella, Luca Sandri. Models: Yuri Costantini, Ambra Cicognani, Letizia Lanzi
Visual: Cristian Chierici CC 79; Engram Studio
Photo credit: Moreno Maggi

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La biblioteca è pensata come una grande piazza del sapere: uno strumento catalizzatore per la società e motore privilegiato di innovazione sociale.

Sono previsti ambienti per la lettura e la consultazione ma anche spazi di incontro e di confronto. Ci sono spazi per ospitare eventi e conferenze,workshop e attività di co-working, laboratori per la musica, l’arte figurativa e l’artigianato. La biblioteca entrerà a far parte del network del sistema educativo ghanese ponendosi come uno strumento di primo piano per la formazione delle nuove generazioni. Il progetto è localizzato ad Akosombo, presso il lago Volta, il più grande lago artificiale al mondo, fonte di acqua potabile e luogo di pesca dove vivono più di 2 milioni di ghanesi. Infine la Kwame Nkrumah Presidential Library è un edificio bioclimatico in grado di mantenere elevati livelli di comfort termico, acustico e visivo durante tutto l’anno grazie al giusto equilibrio di pochi elementi: forma, materiali e semplici tecnologie.

Superficie: 4600 m2
Progetto: Mario Cucinella Architects
Team: Mario Cucinella, Michele Olivieri, Emanuele Dionigi, Monica Luppi, Pietro Marziali, Gabriele Motta, Giulia Pentella, Luca Sandri. Modelli: Yuri Costantini, Ambra Cicognani e Letizia Lanzi
Visual: Cristian Chierici – CC 79; Engram Studio
Photo credit: Moreno Maggi



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