Art Museum of Fondazione Luigi Rovati

The building is thus transformed into a journey of art through time

Art and architecture between form and matter, between city and civilization

The history of a building is important: its stratifications given by time, its modifications, its architecture reflect the culture and vicissitudes of the families that have inhabited it, and the context in which they lived.

In the heart of Milan, MCA has developed an architectural renovation project of an historic 19th-century building, and to extend and annex additional areas for museum uses.

Studio MCA was also entrusted with the interior design, the museum displays, and the general art direction.

A place open to the city

The project was born of a desire by Fondazione Luigi Rovati to create a museum within the historic 19thcentury Bocconi-Rizzoli-Carraro Palace for displaying an important collection of Etruscan artifacts.

A non-conventional architecture was developed in which references to the Etruscan tombs of Cerveteri evoke that civilization’s lively relationship with the world beyond death. Hypogeum-inspired spaces were inserted under the palace and extended beneath the garden, including three domed rooms that create an atmosphere of mysticism and suspense.

A place open to the city

The project was born of a desire by Fondazione Luigi Rovati to create a museum within the historic 19thcentury Bocconi-Rizzoli-Carraro Palace for displaying an important collection of Etruscan artifacts.

A non-conventional architecture was developed in which references to the Etruscan tombs of Cerveteri evoke that civilization’s lively relationship with the world beyond death. Hypogeum-inspired spaces were inserted under the palace and extended beneath the garden, including three domed rooms that create an atmosphere of mysticism and suspense.

A place open to the city

The project was born of a desire by Fondazione Luigi Rovati to create a museum within the historic 19thcentury Bocconi-Rizzoli-Carraro Palace for displaying an important collection of Etruscan artifacts.

A non-conventional architecture was developed in which references to the Etruscan tombs of Cerveteri evoke that civilization’s lively relationship with the world beyond death. Hypogeum-inspired spaces were inserted under the palace and extended beneath the garden, including three domed rooms that create an atmosphere of mysticism and suspense.

Un luogo aperto alla città

A place open to the city

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Un luogo aperto alla città

Il progetto nasce dalla volontà della Fondazione Luigi Rovati di creare uno spazio museale all’interno dello storico palazzo ottocentesco Bocconi-Rizzoli-Carraro, un centro di sperimentazione e ricerca destinato anche a ospitare diverse funzioni e un’importante collezione di reperti etruschi.

Viene sviluppato su queste basi un progetto non convenzionale, in cui i riferimenti alle suggestive tombe etrusche di Cerveteri sono tesi a rievocare il rapporto vivo con l’aldilà proprio della civiltà etrusca, in un’architettura ipogea, che si estende anche al di sotto del giardino del Palazzo, caratterizzata da tre grandi cupole che generano un’atmosfera mistica e sospesa.

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The experience

The itinerary is given a chiaroscuro effect by large slabs of bright Pietra Forte Fiorentina sandstone, while constellations of vases seem to float in mid-air, supported by suspended planes that are almost invisible within large transparent display cases.

Upon leaving this evocative museum space, visitors emerge into the 19th-century architecture of the palace, the renovation of which includes the creation of a “newfound home” designed specifically for preserving the rest of the foundation’s ancient art collection. The upper floors of the building contain spaces connected with the museum operations, including a library, a conference room, temporary exhibition rooms, and a restaurant at the top floor. A large entry hall welcomes visitors at the ground floor, where there is also a bookstore that links the bistro with the courtyard garden. The project was founded on the idea of creating a museum that would be open to the city, where visitors could stop by for a chat and a look around, like guests in a simple but refined urban living room.

The experience

The itinerary is given a chiaroscuro effect by large slabs of bright Pietra Forte Fiorentina sandstone, while constellations of vases seem to float in mid-air, supported by suspended planes that are almost invisible within large transparent display cases.

Upon leaving this evocative museum space, visitors emerge into the 19th-century architecture of the palace, the renovation of which includes the creation of a “newfound home” designed specifically for preserving the rest of the foundation’s ancient art collection. The upper floors of the building contain spaces connected with the museum operations, including a library, a conference room, temporary exhibition rooms, and a restaurant at the top floor. A large entry hall welcomes visitors at the ground floor, where there is also a bookstore that links the bistro with the courtyard garden. The project was founded on the idea of creating a museum that would be open to the city, where visitors could stop by for a chat and a look around, like guests in a simple but refined urban living room.

The experience

The itinerary is given a chiaroscuro effect by large slabs of bright Pietra Forte Fiorentina sandstone, while constellations of vases seem to float in mid-air, supported by suspended planes that are almost invisible within large transparent display cases.

Upon leaving this evocative museum space, visitors emerge into the 19th-century architecture of the palace, the renovation of which includes the creation of a “newfound home” designed specifically for preserving the rest of the foundation’s ancient art collection. The upper floors of the building contain spaces connected with the museum operations, including a library, a conference room, temporary exhibition rooms, and a restaurant at the top floor. A large entry hall welcomes visitors at the ground floor, where there is also a bookstore that links the bistro with the courtyard garden. The project was founded on the idea of creating a museum that would be open to the city, where visitors could stop by for a chat and a look around, like guests in a simple but refined urban living room.


The experience

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Un percorso che fa uso di effetti chiaroscurali, resi possibili dai grandi conci di Pietra Forte Fiorentina brillante di quarzo, e costellato dai vasi che sembrano fluttuare nello spazio, retti a mezz’aria su piani sospesi, quasi invisibili all’interno di grandi teche trasparenti.

Da questo luogo suggestivo si riemerge all’interno dell’architettura ottocentesca del palazzo.
I piani superiori dell’edificio sono stati studiati per ospitare le funzioni connesse all’attività museale, come la biblioteca, la sala conferenze, gli spazi per esposizioni temporanee e il ristorante all’ultimo piano.
Al piano terra, una grande hall d’ingresso accoglie il visitatore con una libreria, connettendo il bistrot con il giardino interno.

L’idea che sostiene il progetto è quella di fare del museo un luogo aperto alla città, in cui il visitatore, come un ospite di un semplice ma raffinato salotto cittadino, possa sostare, chiacchierare e incuriosirsi.

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©Duccio Malagamba
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©Duccio Malagamba
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©Duccio Malagamba
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©Duccio Malagamba
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“Thanks to the extraordinary work and enthusiasm of the President of the Foundation, Giovanna Forlanelli, it has been possible to complete this important project, which contributes to the cultural offer of the city of Milan. And it is not only a museum; thanks to the strategic contribution of Prof. Mario Abis, it also produces new cultural visions and a social commitment of extraordinary relevance for our time”

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The below-ground space

The below-ground space is accessed from the main entrance, where a staircase carved in pietra forte fiorentina, a material extracted from quarries in Tuscany and Emilia, leads to the exhibition space, consisting of three circular rooms and a large elliptical room. This space, which is in semi-darkness, is enveloped by 30,000 stone segments, each one individually designed and skilfully built and assembled so that they continuously envelop the entire space: a formal continuity that gives it a sense of unity and fluidity.

The choice of a single type of stone, pietra forte fiorentina, gives expression to a material that is extracted from deep quarries in Firenzuola. It gives the impression of a space that has been hollowed out: subtracted just as quarries are hollowed out to become works of architecture of unconscious beauty. Because of the size of each segment, which is 5 centimetres thick, one metre long, and is distanced 5 millimetres from its neighbours, the horizontal stripes of the stones give this imposing mass an effect of suspension that contrasts with the reflective specks from Mica flakes in the stone. They create a multitude of small points of light in the shadows and the solid mass.

The below-ground space

The below-ground space is accessed from the main entrance, where a staircase carved in pietra forte fiorentina, a material extracted from quarries in Tuscany and Emilia, leads to the exhibition space, consisting of three circular rooms and a large elliptical room. This space, which is in semi-darkness, is enveloped by 30,000 stone segments, each one individually designed and skilfully built and assembled so that they continuously envelop the entire space: a formal continuity that gives it a sense of unity and fluidity.

The choice of a single type of stone, pietra forte fiorentina, gives expression to a material that is extracted from deep quarries in Firenzuola. It gives the impression of a space that has been hollowed out: subtracted just as quarries are hollowed out to become works of architecture of unconscious beauty. Because of the size of each segment, which is 5 centimetres thick, one metre long, and is distanced 5 millimetres from its neighbours, the horizontal stripes of the stones give this imposing mass an effect of suspension that contrasts with the reflective specks from Mica flakes in the stone. They create a multitude of small points of light in the shadows and the solid mass.

The below-ground space

The below-ground space is accessed from the main entrance, where a staircase carved in pietra forte fiorentina, a material extracted from quarries in Tuscany and Emilia, leads to the exhibition space, consisting of three circular rooms and a large elliptical room. This space, which is in semi-darkness, is enveloped by 30,000 stone segments, each one individually designed and skilfully built and assembled so that they continuously envelop the entire space: a formal continuity that gives it a sense of unity and fluidity.

The choice of a single type of stone, pietra forte fiorentina, gives expression to a material that is extracted from deep quarries in Firenzuola. It gives the impression of a space that has been hollowed out: subtracted just as quarries are hollowed out to become works of architecture of unconscious beauty. Because of the size of each segment, which is 5 centimetres thick, one metre long, and is distanced 5 millimetres from its neighbours, the horizontal stripes of the stones give this imposing mass an effect of suspension that contrasts with the reflective specks from Mica flakes in the stone. They create a multitude of small points of light in the shadows and the solid mass.

Lo spazio ipogeo

The below-ground space

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Lo spazio ipogeo

Dedicato alla collezione etrusca, vi si accede dall’ingresso principale. Attraverso una scala intagliata nella pietra forte fiorentina, materiale estratto dalle cave tosco-emiliane, si arriva allo spazio espositivo composto da tre sale circolari e una grande ellittica. Questo spazio in penombra è avvolto da 30.000 conci di pietra che, disegnati uno ad uno e sapientemente costruiti e montati, avvolgono il tutto in maniera continua.

La pietra forte fiorentina utilizzata racconta di una materia estratta da profonde cave di Firenzuola; ne risulta un ambiente scavato sottratto proprio come nelle cave. Le rigature orizzontali delle pietre, dovute alla dimensione del concio di 5 centimetri di spessore e un metro di lunghezza e distanziate di 5 millimetri tra loro, creano un effetto di sospensione di questa imponente massa che contrasta con i puntini lucenti dovuti alla presenza di scagliette di Mica nella miscela della pietra.

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©Giovanni De Sandre
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©Giovanni De Sandre
This is some text inside of a div block.
©Giovanni De Sandre
This is some text inside of a div block.
©Giovanni De Sandre
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Exhibition design

In the project for the exhibition design, as with all of the architecture of the building, the elements were studied and designed in detail so that they became an integral part of the narration but also in order to generate an immersive experience of the objects on display through a mix of history, archaeology, design, architecture, and digital technologies. The exhibition itinerary is not rigidly defined, permitting visitors to freely move about, exploring beneath the three domes where the artifacts are displayed in large glass cases that symbolize the fragments of history, or go into the ellipsoidal space, or discover new narratives in some of the other rooms.

The glass for the cases was custom designed and produced to eliminate any reflection effects. The lighting design was also custom designed so that they are cleanly integrated with the exhibition elements.

Exhibition design

In the project for the exhibition design, as with all of the architecture of the building, the elements were studied and designed in detail so that they became an integral part of the narration but also in order to generate an immersive experience of the objects on display through a mix of history, archaeology, design, architecture, and digital technologies. The exhibition itinerary is not rigidly defined, permitting visitors to freely move about, exploring beneath the three domes where the artifacts are displayed in large glass cases that symbolize the fragments of history, or go into the ellipsoidal space, or discover new narratives in some of the other rooms.

The glass for the cases was custom designed and produced to eliminate any reflection effects. The lighting design was also custom designed so that they are cleanly integrated with the exhibition elements.

Exhibition design

In the project for the exhibition design, as with all of the architecture of the building, the elements were studied and designed in detail so that they became an integral part of the narration but also in order to generate an immersive experience of the objects on display through a mix of history, archaeology, design, architecture, and digital technologies. The exhibition itinerary is not rigidly defined, permitting visitors to freely move about, exploring beneath the three domes where the artifacts are displayed in large glass cases that symbolize the fragments of history, or go into the ellipsoidal space, or discover new narratives in some of the other rooms.

The glass for the cases was custom designed and produced to eliminate any reflection effects. The lighting design was also custom designed so that they are cleanly integrated with the exhibition elements.

Il progetto di allestimento

Exhibition design

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Il progetto di allestimento

Così come in tutta l’architettura dell’edificio, nel progetto di allestimento ciascun elemento è concepito e disegnato nel dettaglio sia per diventare parte integrante della narrazione sia per generare una fruizione immersiva dei contenuti espositivi, attraverso una commistione tra storia, archeologia, design, architettura e tecnologia digitale.
Un percorso espositivo in cui il visitatore può immergersi sotto le tre cupole, scoprire i reperti custoditi dentro grandi teche (realizzate con un vetro prodotto e studiato ad hoc per eliminare qualsiasi effetto riflettente), muoversi verso l’area ellissoidale, o ancora spostarsi per conoscere nuove narrazioni nelle altre sale.

La stessa attenzione è stata dedicata allo studio del sistema di illuminazione, garantendo estremo confort nella fruizione degli elementi dell’esposizione.

The Etruscan tombs of Cerveteri were the cultural and formal reference for the museum project
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Warrior; votive statue; 2nd archaic Etruscan period, late 6th-early 5th century BC; bronze, from the Enrico Cernuschi collection
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Spiral urn; 7th century BC; light red decoration on a dark background; terracotta
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The bioclimatic project

The bioclimatic project

The bioclimatic project

Il progetto bioclimatico

The bioclimatic project

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Il progetto bioclimatico

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Fondazione Luigi Rovati
Milan, Italy
4,000 sqm


Mario Cucinella Architects

Project Team

Mario Cucinella
Enrico Iascone
Team Member
Project Leader
Giovanni Sanna
Team Member
Project Leader
Project Director
Project Manager
Damiano Comini
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
Project Leader
Team Member
Design Manager
Maria Dolores Del Sol Ontalba
Project Director
Team Member
Project Leader
Luca Sandri
Interior Design
Team Member
Project Leader
Donato Labella
Interior Design
Team Member
Interior Design Specialist
Michela Galli
Team Member
Dario Castellari
Team Member
Enrico Pintabona
Competition team
Team Member
Irene Sapienza
Team Member
Martina Buccitti
Team Member
Wallison Caetano
Team Member
Eurind Caka
Team Member
Flavio Giaccone
Team Member
Ernesto Tambroni
Team Member
Chiara Tomassi
Team Member
Davide Cazzaniga
Team Member
Silvia Conversano
Model Maker
Model Maker Coordinator
Team Member
Modeling Unit Manager
Yuri Costantini
Model Maker
Andrea Genovesi
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Senior Visual Artist Specialist
Walter Vecchio
Mario Cucinella
Enrico Iascone
Team Member
Project Leader
Giovanni Sanna
Team Member
Project Leader
Project Director
Project Manager
Damiano Comini
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
Project Leader
Team Member
Design Manager
Maria Dolores Del Sol Ontalba
Project Director
Team Member
Project Leader
Luca Sandri
Interior Design
Team Member
Project Leader
Donato Labella
Interior Design
Team Member
Interior Design Specialist
Michela Galli
Team Member
Dario Castellari
Team Member
Enrico Pintabona
Competition team
Team Member
Irene Sapienza
Team Member
Martina Buccitti
Team Member
Wallison Caetano
Team Member
Eurind Caka
Team Member
Flavio Giaccone
Team Member
Ernesto Tambroni
Team Member
Chiara Tomassi
Team Member
Davide Cazzaniga
Team Member
Silvia Conversano
Model Maker
Model Maker Coordinator
Team Member
Modeling Unit Manager
Yuri Costantini
Model Maker
Andrea Genovesi
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Senior Visual Artist Specialist
Walter Vecchio
Mario Cucinella
Enrico Iascone
Team Member
Project Leader
Giovanni Sanna
Team Member
Project Leader
Project Director
Project Manager
Damiano Comini
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
Project Leader
Team Member
Design Manager
Maria Dolores Del Sol Ontalba
Project Director
Team Member
Project Leader
Luca Sandri
Interior Design
Team Member
Project Leader
Donato Labella
Interior Design
Team Member
Interior Design Specialist
Michela Galli
Team Member
Dario Castellari
Team Member
Enrico Pintabona
Competition team
Team Member
Irene Sapienza
Team Member
Martina Buccitti
Team Member
Wallison Caetano
Team Member
Eurind Caka
Team Member
Flavio Giaccone
Team Member
Ernesto Tambroni
Team Member
Chiara Tomassi
Team Member
Davide Cazzaniga
Team Member
Silvia Conversano
Model Maker
Model Maker Coordinator
Team Member
Modeling Unit Manager
Yuri Costantini
Model Maker
Andrea Genovesi
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Senior Visual Artist Specialist
Walter Vecchio
Mario Cucinella
Enrico Iascone
Team Member
Project Leader
Giovanni Sanna
Team Member
Project Leader
Project Director
Project Manager
Damiano Comini
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
Project Leader
Team Member
Design Manager
Maria Dolores Del Sol Ontalba
Project Director
Team Member
Project Leader
Luca Sandri
Interior Design
Team Member
Project Leader
Donato Labella
Interior Design
Team Member
Interior Design Specialist
Michela Galli
Team Member
Dario Castellari
Team Member
Enrico Pintabona
Competition team
Team Member
Irene Sapienza
Team Member
Martina Buccitti
Team Member
Wallison Caetano
Team Member
Eurind Caka
Team Member
Flavio Giaccone
Team Member
Ernesto Tambroni
Team Member
Chiara Tomassi
Team Member
Davide Cazzaniga
Team Member
Silvia Conversano
Model Maker
Model Maker Coordinator
Team Member
Modeling Unit Manager
Yuri Costantini
Model Maker
Andrea Genovesi
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Senior Visual Artist Specialist
Walter Vecchio
Mario Cucinella
Enrico Iascone
Team Member
Project Leader
Giovanni Sanna
Team Member
Project Leader
Project Director
Project Manager
Damiano Comini
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
Project Leader
Team Member
Design Manager
Maria Dolores Del Sol Ontalba
Project Director
Team Member
Project Leader
Luca Sandri
Interior Design
Team Member
Project Leader
Donato Labella
Interior Design
Team Member
Interior Design Specialist
Michela Galli
Team Member
Dario Castellari
Team Member
Enrico Pintabona
Competition team
Team Member
Irene Sapienza
Team Member
Martina Buccitti
Team Member
Wallison Caetano
Team Member
Eurind Caka
Team Member
Flavio Giaccone
Team Member
Ernesto Tambroni
Team Member
Chiara Tomassi
Team Member
Davide Cazzaniga
Team Member
Silvia Conversano
Model Maker
Model Maker Coordinator
Team Member
Modeling Unit Manager
Yuri Costantini
Model Maker
Andrea Genovesi
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Senior Visual Artist Specialist
Walter Vecchio
Mario Cucinella
Enrico Iascone
Team Member
Project Leader
Giovanni Sanna
Team Member
Project Leader
Project Director
Project Manager
Damiano Comini
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
Project Leader
Team Member
Design Manager
Maria Dolores Del Sol Ontalba
Project Director
Team Member
Project Leader
Luca Sandri
Interior Design
Team Member
Project Leader
Donato Labella
Interior Design
Team Member
Interior Design Specialist
Michela Galli
Team Member
Dario Castellari
Team Member
Enrico Pintabona
Competition team
Team Member
Irene Sapienza
Team Member
Martina Buccitti
Team Member
Wallison Caetano
Team Member
Eurind Caka
Team Member
Flavio Giaccone
Team Member
Ernesto Tambroni
Team Member
Chiara Tomassi
Team Member
Davide Cazzaniga
Team Member
Silvia Conversano
Model Maker
Model Maker Coordinator
Team Member
Modeling Unit Manager
Yuri Costantini
Model Maker
Andrea Genovesi
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Senior Visual Artist Specialist
Walter Vecchio
Mario Cucinella
Enrico Iascone
Team Member
Project Leader
Giovanni Sanna
Team Member
Project Leader
Project Director
Project Manager
Damiano Comini
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
Project Leader
Team Member
Design Manager
Maria Dolores Del Sol Ontalba
Project Director
Team Member
Project Leader
Luca Sandri
Interior Design
Team Member
Project Leader
Donato Labella
Interior Design
Team Member
Interior Design Specialist
Michela Galli
Team Member
Dario Castellari
Team Member
Enrico Pintabona
Competition team
Team Member
Irene Sapienza
Team Member
Martina Buccitti
Team Member
Wallison Caetano
Team Member
Eurind Caka
Team Member
Flavio Giaccone
Team Member
Ernesto Tambroni
Team Member
Chiara Tomassi
Team Member
Davide Cazzaniga
Team Member
Silvia Conversano
Model Maker
Model Maker Coordinator
Team Member
Modeling Unit Manager
Yuri Costantini
Model Maker
Andrea Genovesi
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Senior Visual Artist Specialist
Walter Vecchio
Mario Cucinella
Enrico Iascone
Team Member
Project Leader
Giovanni Sanna
Team Member
Project Leader
Project Director
Project Manager
Damiano Comini
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
Project Leader
Team Member
Design Manager
Maria Dolores Del Sol Ontalba
Project Director
Team Member
Project Leader
Luca Sandri
Interior Design
Team Member
Project Leader
Donato Labella
Interior Design
Team Member
Interior Design Specialist
Michela Galli
Team Member
Dario Castellari
Team Member
Enrico Pintabona
Competition team
Team Member
Irene Sapienza
Team Member
Martina Buccitti
Team Member
Wallison Caetano
Team Member
Eurind Caka
Team Member
Flavio Giaccone
Team Member
Ernesto Tambroni
Team Member
Chiara Tomassi
Team Member
Davide Cazzaniga
Team Member
Silvia Conversano
Model Maker
Model Maker Coordinator
Team Member
Modeling Unit Manager
Yuri Costantini
Model Maker
Andrea Genovesi
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Senior Visual Artist Specialist
Walter Vecchio
Mario Cucinella
Enrico Iascone
Team Member
Project Leader
Giovanni Sanna
Team Member
Project Leader
Project Director
Project Manager
Damiano Comini
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
Project Leader
Team Member
Design Manager
Maria Dolores Del Sol Ontalba
Project Director
Team Member
Project Leader
Luca Sandri
Interior Design
Team Member
Project Leader
Donato Labella
Interior Design
Team Member
Interior Design Specialist
Michela Galli
Team Member
Dario Castellari
Team Member
Enrico Pintabona
Competition team
Team Member
Irene Sapienza
Team Member
Martina Buccitti
Team Member
Wallison Caetano
Team Member
Eurind Caka
Team Member
Flavio Giaccone
Team Member
Ernesto Tambroni
Team Member
Chiara Tomassi
Team Member
Davide Cazzaniga
Team Member
Silvia Conversano
Model Maker
Model Maker Coordinator
Team Member
Modeling Unit Manager
Yuri Costantini
Model Maker
Andrea Genovesi
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Senior Visual Artist Specialist
Walter Vecchio
Structural Project
Milan Ingegneria
Plant Project
Basement stone cladding design
Elios Engineering
Fire-fighting Project
Gae Engineering
Landscape Design
Greencure Marilena Baggio
Acoustic Project
General Contractor
Ediltecno Restauri
Electrical Contractor (Subcontracting)
Colombo Impianti
Project Management
Ing. Giovanni Canciullo
Works Management
iZed & Partner
Site Safety Manager
Arkein Studio
Executive Design and Furniture Supply
Lighting Design
Studio arch. Piero Castiglioni
Multimedia Design
ZUP Design
Museum Fruition Design - Audioguides
MCA Visual, Pictury
Duccio Malagamba, Giovanni De Sandre
Structural Project
Milan Ingegneria
Plant Project
Basement stone cladding design
Elios Engineering
Fire-fighting Project
Gae Engineering
Landscape Design
Greencure Marilena Baggio
Acoustic Project
General Contractor
Ediltecno Restauri
Electrical Contractor (Subcontracting)
Colombo Impianti
Project Management
Ing. Giovanni Canciullo
Works Management
iZed & Partner
Site Safety Manager
Arkein Studio
Executive Design and Furniture Supply
Lighting Design
Studio arch. Piero Castiglioni
Multimedia Design
ZUP Design
Museum Fruition Design - Audioguides
MCA Visual, Pictury
Duccio Malagamba, Giovanni De Sandre
Structural Project
Milan Ingegneria
Plant Project
Basement stone cladding design
Elios Engineering
Fire-fighting Project
Gae Engineering
Landscape Design
Greencure Marilena Baggio
Acoustic Project
General Contractor
Ediltecno Restauri
Electrical Contractor (Subcontracting)
Colombo Impianti
Project Management
Ing. Giovanni Canciullo
Works Management
iZed & Partner
Site Safety Manager
Arkein Studio
Executive Design and Furniture Supply
Lighting Design
Studio arch. Piero Castiglioni
Multimedia Design
ZUP Design
Museum Fruition Design - Audioguides
MCA Visual, Pictury
Duccio Malagamba, Giovanni De Sandre
Structural Project
Milan Ingegneria
Plant Project
Basement stone cladding design
Elios Engineering
Fire-fighting Project
Gae Engineering
Landscape Design
Greencure Marilena Baggio
Acoustic Project
General Contractor
Ediltecno Restauri
Electrical Contractor (Subcontracting)
Colombo Impianti
Project Management
Ing. Giovanni Canciullo
Works Management
iZed & Partner
Site Safety Manager
Arkein Studio
Executive Design and Furniture Supply
Lighting Design
Studio arch. Piero Castiglioni
Multimedia Design
ZUP Design
Museum Fruition Design - Audioguides
MCA Visual, Pictury
Duccio Malagamba, Giovanni De Sandre
EU Mies - European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture - Mies van der Rohe Awards 2024 - Nominee
ADI Design Index 2023 - Selection for publication
IN/ARCHITETTURA 2023 Lombardia - Special Mention
WAF - World Architecture Festival Awards 2023 - Highly Commended for the Completed Buildings, Culture category
Premio Bienal de Arquitectura (Buenos Aires, Argentina) - Equipamiento Publico category.