New Campus Bologna Business School

Nuovo Campus Bologna Business School

The New Campus Bologna Business School it is an opportunity to create, within its historical and landscape context of great value, an architectural project capable of combining history with the contemporary.

The project located within an area on the Bologna hills and, developed by Mario Cucinella Architects, aims to recover a place with significant historical meanings, but above all to create a new polarity for the university capable of rethinking the space distribution and the services of the historic Villa Guastavillani, the current headquarters of the Bologna Business School. The project integrates them with new lessons and sharing spaces, and cultural and environmental functions. The Campus project aims to be an architectural response to the great environmental challenges that await us in the future, ranging from the European Low Carbon Roadmap to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, proposing flexible and resilient climate and energy strategies. The interaction of the building with its context is designed to increase the comfort levels of its users, thanks to passive strategies, limiting the use of plant systems, thus significantly reducing energy consumption.

The new Campus will rise on the top of the hill through the redevelopment and recovery of some existing buildings, a ” light ” intervention that aims to ” simplify ” the spaces and the architecture to fit silently into the context of the hills, through a light and transparent volume that seeks constant dialogue with nature and the surrounding landscape. A new roof becomes the unifying element of the intervention and, at the same time, it is a passive regulator of internal comfort by combining architectural, functional and sustainability aspects.

If Villa Guastavillani remains the landmark where to experience the charm of history, the New Campus is the contemporary element capable of giving a new appeal to the intervention. The dialogue between the past and the contemporary, and therefore the integration between the two locations, is expressed through the continuation of the monumental path leading to the historic villa up to the new area, as the new axis of the intervention.

Two other prestigious pre-existing buildings, the farmhouse and the old oven, once recovered, are designed to accommodate other functions for the Campus: the farmhouse hosts offices, meeting rooms and classrooms with very flexible spaces that allow them to works as laboratory and studies. The former oven becomes a small reception at the service of students. An underground tunnel directly connects the basement of the new building to the farmhouse, allowing “covered” continuity with various areas of the intervention. A large pergola connects with the external environments creating a common square and social interaction between students.

The roofs become a real bioclimatic device:

  • The roof of the new building allows to control the solar radiation on the windows and modulates the natural light in the learning and socializing spaces.
  • The roof of the former farmhouse contributes to the production of photovoltaic electricity.
  • Internal thermal comfort is guaranteed for most of the year by natural ventilation

During the seasons with the most extreme temperatures (both summer and winter), a system partially powered by renewable sources guarantees maximum flexibility of uses and immediate response to the variable needs related to campus life.
The landscape is designed organically, like propagation circles starting from the fulcrum of the New Campus, with a series of soft paths that penetrate the landscape, forming terraces that can host outdoor learning activities, leisure activities (reading and studying) or sports activities for the students.

Client: Bologna Business School
Project:  Mario Cucinella Architects
Team: Andrea Rossi, Francesca Fochi, Stefano Bastia, Lucrezia Rendace, Francesco Rosa
Structures: Ing. Roberto Ballardini
MEP:  Galileo Ingegneria; STEP Engineering
Acustic Engineering: Ing. Gabriele Raffellini
Landscape Design: Arch. Caterina Michelini
Visual: Alessia Monacelli, Giovanni Checchia (MCA); Emanuele Fortunati

The project located within an area on the Bologna hills and, developed by Mario Cucinella Architects, aims to recover a place with significant historical meanings, but above all to create a new polarity for the university capable of rethinking the space distribution and the services of the historic Villa Guastavillani, the current headquarters of the Bologna Business School. The project integrates them with new lessons and sharing spaces, and cultural and environmental functions. The Campus project aims to be an architectural response to the great environmental challenges that await us in the future, ranging from the European Low Carbon Roadmap to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, proposing flexible and resilient climate and energy strategies. The interaction of the building with its context is designed to increase the comfort levels of its users, thanks to passive strategies, limiting the use of plant systems, thus significantly reducing energy consumption.

The new Campus will rise on the top of the hill through the redevelopment and recovery of some existing buildings, a ” light ” intervention that aims to ” simplify ” the spaces and the architecture to fit silently into the context of the hills, through a light and transparent volume that seeks constant dialogue with nature and the surrounding landscape. A new roof becomes the unifying element of the intervention and, at the same time, it is a passive regulator of internal comfort by combining architectural, functional and sustainability aspects.

If Villa Guastavillani remains the landmark where to experience the charm of history, the New Campus is the contemporary element capable of giving a new appeal to the intervention. The dialogue between the past and the contemporary, and therefore the integration between the two locations, is expressed through the continuation of the monumental path leading to the historic villa up to the new area, as the new axis of the intervention.

Two other prestigious pre-existing buildings, the farmhouse and the old oven, once recovered, are designed to accommodate other functions for the Campus: the farmhouse hosts offices, meeting rooms and classrooms with very flexible spaces that allow them to works as laboratory and studies. The former oven becomes a small reception at the service of students. An underground tunnel directly connects the basement of the new building to the farmhouse, allowing “covered” continuity with various areas of the intervention. A large pergola connects with the external environments creating a common square and social interaction between students.

The roofs become a real bioclimatic device:

  • The roof of the new building allows to control the solar radiation on the windows and modulates the natural light in the learning and socializing spaces.
  • The roof of the former farmhouse contributes to the production of photovoltaic electricity.
  • Internal thermal comfort is guaranteed for most of the year by natural ventilation

During the seasons with the most extreme temperatures (both summer and winter), a system partially powered by renewable sources guarantees maximum flexibility of uses and immediate response to the variable needs related to campus life.
The landscape is designed organically, like propagation circles starting from the fulcrum of the New Campus, with a series of soft paths that penetrate the landscape, forming terraces that can host outdoor learning activities, leisure activities (reading and studying) or sports activities for the students.

Client: Bologna Business School
Project:  Mario Cucinella Architects
Team: Andrea Rossi, Francesca Fochi, Stefano Bastia, Lucrezia Rendace, Francesco Rosa
Structures: Ing. Roberto Ballardini
MEP:  Galileo Ingegneria; STEP Engineering
Acustic Engineering: Ing. Gabriele Raffellini
Landscape Design: Arch. Caterina Michelini
Visual: Alessia Monacelli, Giovanni Checchia (MCA); Emanuele Fortunati

The project located within an area on the Bologna hills and, developed by Mario Cucinella Architects, aims to recover a place with significant historical meanings, but above all to create a new polarity for the university capable of rethinking the space distribution and the services of the historic Villa Guastavillani, the current headquarters of the Bologna Business School. The project integrates them with new lessons and sharing spaces, and cultural and environmental functions. The Campus project aims to be an architectural response to the great environmental challenges that await us in the future, ranging from the European Low Carbon Roadmap to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, proposing flexible and resilient climate and energy strategies. The interaction of the building with its context is designed to increase the comfort levels of its users, thanks to passive strategies, limiting the use of plant systems, thus significantly reducing energy consumption.

The new Campus will rise on the top of the hill through the redevelopment and recovery of some existing buildings, a ” light ” intervention that aims to ” simplify ” the spaces and the architecture to fit silently into the context of the hills, through a light and transparent volume that seeks constant dialogue with nature and the surrounding landscape. A new roof becomes the unifying element of the intervention and, at the same time, it is a passive regulator of internal comfort by combining architectural, functional and sustainability aspects.

If Villa Guastavillani remains the landmark where to experience the charm of history, the New Campus is the contemporary element capable of giving a new appeal to the intervention. The dialogue between the past and the contemporary, and therefore the integration between the two locations, is expressed through the continuation of the monumental path leading to the historic villa up to the new area, as the new axis of the intervention.

Two other prestigious pre-existing buildings, the farmhouse and the old oven, once recovered, are designed to accommodate other functions for the Campus: the farmhouse hosts offices, meeting rooms and classrooms with very flexible spaces that allow them to works as laboratory and studies. The former oven becomes a small reception at the service of students. An underground tunnel directly connects the basement of the new building to the farmhouse, allowing “covered” continuity with various areas of the intervention. A large pergola connects with the external environments creating a common square and social interaction between students.

The roofs become a real bioclimatic device:

  • The roof of the new building allows to control the solar radiation on the windows and modulates the natural light in the learning and socializing spaces.
  • The roof of the former farmhouse contributes to the production of photovoltaic electricity.
  • Internal thermal comfort is guaranteed for most of the year by natural ventilation

During the seasons with the most extreme temperatures (both summer and winter), a system partially powered by renewable sources guarantees maximum flexibility of uses and immediate response to the variable needs related to campus life.
The landscape is designed organically, like propagation circles starting from the fulcrum of the New Campus, with a series of soft paths that penetrate the landscape, forming terraces that can host outdoor learning activities, leisure activities (reading and studying) or sports activities for the students.

Client: Bologna Business School
Project:  Mario Cucinella Architects
Team: Andrea Rossi, Francesca Fochi, Stefano Bastia, Lucrezia Rendace, Francesco Rosa
Structures: Ing. Roberto Ballardini
MEP:  Galileo Ingegneria; STEP Engineering
Acustic Engineering: Ing. Gabriele Raffellini
Landscape Design: Arch. Caterina Michelini
Visual: Alessia Monacelli, Giovanni Checchia (MCA); Emanuele Fortunati

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Il progetto collocato all’interno di un’area sui colli bolognesi e, sviluppato da Mario Cucinella Architects, si propone di recuperare un luogo con rilevanti significati storici, ma soprattutto creare una nuova polarità al servizio dell’università capace di ripensare la distribuzione degli spazi e dei servizi attualmente presenti nel fulcro storico di Villa Guastavillani, sede attuale della Bologna Business School, integrandoli con nuovi spazi universitari, di condivisione, e nuove funzioni culturali e ambientali.

Il nuovo Campus sorgerà sul crinale della collina attraverso la riqualificazione e il recupero di alcuni edifici già presenti sul sito, un intervento ‘’leggero’’ che vuole ‘’semplificare’’ gli spazi e le architetture in modo da inserirsi in maniera silenziosa nel contesto delle colline bolognesi, attraverso un volume leggero e trasparente che cerca il costante dialogo con la natura ed il paesaggio circostante. Una nuova copertura diventa elemento caratterizzante e unificatore dell’intervento e, al contempo sarà regolatore passivo del comfort interno combinando al meglio gli aspetti architettonici, funzionali e di sostenibilità.

Il disegno del paesaggio è pensato in maniera organica con dei cerchi di propagazione che partono dal fulcro del Nuovo Campus, da cui si generano una serie di percorsi fluidi che si immettono nel paesaggio, formando dei terrazzamenti che possono ospitare attività di apprendimento all’aperto, di svago (leggere e studiare) o attività sportive (percorsi vita ecc.) degli studenti.

Cliente: Bologna Business School
Progetto: Mario Cucinella Architects
Team: Andrea Rossi, Francesca Fochi, Stefano Bastia, Lucrezia Rendace, Francesco Rosa
Visual: Alessia Monacelli, Giovanni Checchia – Mario Cucinlla Architects; Emanuele Fortunati
Ingegneria Strutturale: Ing. Roberto Ballardini – Studio Ballardini
Ingegneria Impiantistica: Galileo Ingegneria; STEP Engineering
Ingegneria Acustica: Ing. Gabriele Raffellini
Ingegneria Antincendio: Ing. Andrea Luppi – IDF Ingegneria del Fuoco
Progetto del Paesaggio: Arch. Caterina Michelini – La Stanza C

In Progress


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