Palazzo Senza Tempo

Revival of the Italian Hilltown

Communities and their public places

Palazzo Senza Tempo in the historic centre of Peccioli is a response to the municipal administration's desire to encourage new cultural programmes and commercial activity while enhancing the built heritage of this Medieval Tuscan hill town.

Widespread views

Centred on a piazza overlooked by the Pisan Romanesque church of San Verano, Peccioli – set high above vineyards and olive groves – commands widespread views of the unspoiled Era Valley.A public building, Palazzo Senza Tempo comprises a range of renovated and re-purposed town houses dating from as early as the 14th Century set along Peccioli’s via Carraira. Facing east from the very edge of the town, these enjoy direct views across the valley. The old houses are now internally and externally connected to a new two-storey building rising from via dei Bastioni below.

Widespread views

Centred on a piazza overlooked by the Pisan Romanesque church of San Verano, Peccioli – set high above vineyards and olive groves – commands widespread views of the unspoiled Era Valley.A public building, Palazzo Senza Tempo comprises a range of renovated and re-purposed town houses dating from as early as the 14th Century set along Peccioli’s via Carraira. Facing east from the very edge of the town, these enjoy direct views across the valley. The old houses are now internally and externally connected to a new two-storey building rising from via dei Bastioni below.

Widespread views

Centred on a piazza overlooked by the Pisan Romanesque church of San Verano, Peccioli – set high above vineyards and olive groves – commands widespread views of the unspoiled Era Valley.A public building, Palazzo Senza Tempo comprises a range of renovated and re-purposed town houses dating from as early as the 14th Century set along Peccioli’s via Carraira. Facing east from the very edge of the town, these enjoy direct views across the valley. The old houses are now internally and externally connected to a new two-storey building rising from via dei Bastioni below.

Panorami ampi

Widespread views

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Panorami ampi

Peccioli è un piccolo comune che domina dall’alto della sua collina la Valle dell’Era. D’impronta medioevale, la cittadina è un tipico borgo toscano con al centro la chiesa in stile romanico pisano e la piazza. Il progetto di riqualificazione di un frammento significativo del tessuto del centro storico di Peccioli, il Palazzo su via Carraia, interviene laddove è necessario recuperare e riqualificare l’edificio storico, creando anche nuovi spazi di incontro al servizio della comunità. Al contempo, l’intervento trasforma l’edificio diroccato sottostante via dei Bastioni collegandolo al Palazzo e caratterizzandolo come nuovo volume architettonico per attività pubbliche, aperte alla collettività.

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"Peccioli is a real laboratory. In the project, we wanted to carry on the idea that historical centres can give themselves a new life with contemporary elements, not living only in the past. The intervention, conducted with courage and respect, makes the buildings part of the contemporary life of the area. This architecture, a bridge between past and future, is meant to be just a frame for this beautiful landscape, a landscape that looks like a painting from the 1500s."

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The terrace like a bridge

Spread over several levels, the old and new elements of the palazzo complex comprise: apartments, galleries for temporary and permanent exhibitions, study and co-working spaces, a multimedia library, a café and restaurant, public meeting rooms, and a spectacular cantilevered 600 m2 terrace, or piazza, projecting over the landscape beyond.

The terrace like a bridge

Spread over several levels, the old and new elements of the palazzo complex comprise: apartments, galleries for temporary and permanent exhibitions, study and co-working spaces, a multimedia library, a café and restaurant, public meeting rooms, and a spectacular cantilevered 600 m2 terrace, or piazza, projecting over the landscape beyond.

The terrace like a bridge

Spread over several levels, the old and new elements of the palazzo complex comprise: apartments, galleries for temporary and permanent exhibitions, study and co-working spaces, a multimedia library, a café and restaurant, public meeting rooms, and a spectacular cantilevered 600 m2 terrace, or piazza, projecting over the landscape beyond.

La terrazza come un ponte

The terrace like a bridge

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La terrazza come un ponte

Articolandosi su più livelli, il complesso accoglie residenze per il pubblico così come spazi polivalenti per eventi, mostre, tempo libero. In copertura, una grande terrazza sospesa di circa 600 mq e con uno sbalzo da terra di circa 20 mt domina la Valle dell’Era. In dialogo con gli accessi pubblici preesistenti, e attraverso una scalinata laterale che dal piano strada porta fino al livello -2, la terrazza diviene una nuova piazza pubblica. I nuovi spazi sono così configurati per ospitare attività culturali e aperte alla comunità.

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The project

The facades of the renovated buildings along via Carraira incorporate voids, skylights, and bay windows that, designed to add new points of view from the interior to the town, bring welcome daylight inside. A new glass roof placed over the passage of a historic courtyard completes the visual permeability of the spaces. The renovated buildings along via Carraira form an interconnected whole interspersed by rooms with venerable wood-beamed ceilings and, unexpectedly, a dramatic open stone stair. In this way, the architect’s response to the building reflects the essential characteristics of the organic plan of Italian hill towns with their successions of tight, curving narrow alleys leading to wide and open civic spaces.

A walk through these towns is an adventure of visual surprise, as it is through the re-purposed spaces of Palazzo Senza Tempo.The surprise continues when, whether reached externally down a monumental public stair or internally, the palazzo reveals its new two-storey building. Glazed on three sides, this provides framed views of the landscape beyond tall windows. Stepping up and down several levels, lined in wood and with a detailed level of craftsmanship, this is a contemporary building that pays full respect to the historic fabric and setting of Peccioli. It demonstrates how truly modern structures can be a natural part of Italian hill towns wishing to be far more than living museums.

The project

The facades of the renovated buildings along via Carraira incorporate voids, skylights, and bay windows that, designed to add new points of view from the interior to the town, bring welcome daylight inside. A new glass roof placed over the passage of a historic courtyard completes the visual permeability of the spaces. The renovated buildings along via Carraira form an interconnected whole interspersed by rooms with venerable wood-beamed ceilings and, unexpectedly, a dramatic open stone stair. In this way, the architect’s response to the building reflects the essential characteristics of the organic plan of Italian hill towns with their successions of tight, curving narrow alleys leading to wide and open civic spaces.

A walk through these towns is an adventure of visual surprise, as it is through the re-purposed spaces of Palazzo Senza Tempo.The surprise continues when, whether reached externally down a monumental public stair or internally, the palazzo reveals its new two-storey building. Glazed on three sides, this provides framed views of the landscape beyond tall windows. Stepping up and down several levels, lined in wood and with a detailed level of craftsmanship, this is a contemporary building that pays full respect to the historic fabric and setting of Peccioli. It demonstrates how truly modern structures can be a natural part of Italian hill towns wishing to be far more than living museums.

The project

The facades of the renovated buildings along via Carraira incorporate voids, skylights, and bay windows that, designed to add new points of view from the interior to the town, bring welcome daylight inside. A new glass roof placed over the passage of a historic courtyard completes the visual permeability of the spaces. The renovated buildings along via Carraira form an interconnected whole interspersed by rooms with venerable wood-beamed ceilings and, unexpectedly, a dramatic open stone stair. In this way, the architect’s response to the building reflects the essential characteristics of the organic plan of Italian hill towns with their successions of tight, curving narrow alleys leading to wide and open civic spaces.

A walk through these towns is an adventure of visual surprise, as it is through the re-purposed spaces of Palazzo Senza Tempo.The surprise continues when, whether reached externally down a monumental public stair or internally, the palazzo reveals its new two-storey building. Glazed on three sides, this provides framed views of the landscape beyond tall windows. Stepping up and down several levels, lined in wood and with a detailed level of craftsmanship, this is a contemporary building that pays full respect to the historic fabric and setting of Peccioli. It demonstrates how truly modern structures can be a natural part of Italian hill towns wishing to be far more than living museums.

Il recupero

The project

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Il recupero

La ristrutturazione è culminata negli interventi in copertura e in facciata che hanno visto la creazione di vuoti atti a prevedere nuovi punti di vista dagli interni verso l’esterno, grazie all’inserimento di lucernai e bow window che accolgono la luce naturale. La nuova copertura vetrata posta sul passaggio della corte storica completa la permeabilità visiva degli spazi.

Il recupero del vano scala posto nell’asse centrale del Palazzo è stato ottimizzato attraverso la creazione di un passaggio che arriva al livello -2, ponendo in diretto collegamento il piano strada con il nuovo volume architettonico sottostante. Posto sul lato est del colle, il nuovo volume architettonico nasce dalla trasformazione dell’edificio diroccato sottostante dando vita a uno spostamento naturale e degradante della linea esistente dei bastioni. Posizionato ai livelli -1 e -2, il nuovo volume si rivela come un elemento trasparente incastonato nel contesto per regalare una nuova vista panoramica.

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From Medieval to Contemporary

MCA’s design for Palazzo Senza Tempo demonstrates how new architecture in dialogue with the public life of a town and its historic fabric can create new life and activity. It is exemplary of the potential for new vitality outside the big cities and how the adaptive reuse of historic buildings is a wholly viable part of this development. Palazzo Senza Tempo is a landmark project in demonstrating a bold yet befitting remodelling approach to Italy’s Medieval hill towns.

From Medieval to Contemporary

MCA’s design for Palazzo Senza Tempo demonstrates how new architecture in dialogue with the public life of a town and its historic fabric can create new life and activity. It is exemplary of the potential for new vitality outside the big cities and how the adaptive reuse of historic buildings is a wholly viable part of this development. Palazzo Senza Tempo is a landmark project in demonstrating a bold yet befitting remodelling approach to Italy’s Medieval hill towns.

From Medieval to Contemporary

MCA’s design for Palazzo Senza Tempo demonstrates how new architecture in dialogue with the public life of a town and its historic fabric can create new life and activity. It is exemplary of the potential for new vitality outside the big cities and how the adaptive reuse of historic buildings is a wholly viable part of this development. Palazzo Senza Tempo is a landmark project in demonstrating a bold yet befitting remodelling approach to Italy’s Medieval hill towns.

Dal medioevo a oggi

From Medieval to Contemporary

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Dal medioevo a oggi

Il progetto di MCA per Palazzo Senza Tempo dimostra come una nuova architettura, in dialogo la realtà circostante, la sua quotidianità e il suo tessuto storico, possa portarla a nuova vita. È un esempio della vitalità che può esistere al di fuori delle grandi città e di come il riuso adattativo degli edifici storici possa contribuire a tale rivitalizzazione. Palazzo Senza Tempo può essere un progetto di riferimento per la rigenerazione: il risultato di un approccio coraggioso ma fortemente rispettoso del contesto.

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Belvedere Spa
Peccioli, Pisa, Italy
Civic, Cultural
2,500 sqm


Mario Cucinella Architects

Project Team

Mario Cucinella
Design Director
Design Leader
Tommaso Bettini
Team Member
Project Director
Marco Dell’Agli
Team Member
Project Leader
Emanuele Dionigi
Team Member
Biagio Amodio
Team Member
Stefano Bastia
Team Member
Project Leader
Paolo Greco
Team Member
Project Leader
Alberto Menozzi
Team Member
Marta Torsello
BIM Coordinator
Team Member
Architect, BIM Coordinator
Augusta Zanzillo
Model Maker
Model Maker Coordinator
Team Member
Modeling Unit Manager
Yuri Costantini
Competition Team
Model Maker
Modeling Specialist
Eugenio Armando De Nicola
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Mario Cucinella
Design Director
Design Leader
Tommaso Bettini
Team Member
Project Director
Marco Dell’Agli
Team Member
Project Leader
Emanuele Dionigi
Team Member
Biagio Amodio
Team Member
Stefano Bastia
Team Member
Project Leader
Paolo Greco
Team Member
Project Leader
Alberto Menozzi
Team Member
Marta Torsello
BIM Coordinator
Team Member
Architect, BIM Coordinator
Augusta Zanzillo
Model Maker
Model Maker Coordinator
Team Member
Modeling Unit Manager
Yuri Costantini
Competition Team
Model Maker
Modeling Specialist
Eugenio Armando De Nicola
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Mario Cucinella
Design Director
Design Leader
Tommaso Bettini
Team Member
Project Director
Marco Dell’Agli
Team Member
Project Leader
Emanuele Dionigi
Team Member
Biagio Amodio
Team Member
Stefano Bastia
Team Member
Project Leader
Paolo Greco
Team Member
Project Leader
Alberto Menozzi
Team Member
Marta Torsello
BIM Coordinator
Team Member
Architect, BIM Coordinator
Augusta Zanzillo
Model Maker
Model Maker Coordinator
Team Member
Modeling Unit Manager
Yuri Costantini
Competition Team
Model Maker
Modeling Specialist
Eugenio Armando De Nicola
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Mario Cucinella
Design Director
Design Leader
Tommaso Bettini
Team Member
Project Director
Marco Dell’Agli
Team Member
Project Leader
Emanuele Dionigi
Team Member
Biagio Amodio
Team Member
Stefano Bastia
Team Member
Project Leader
Paolo Greco
Team Member
Project Leader
Alberto Menozzi
Team Member
Marta Torsello
BIM Coordinator
Team Member
Architect, BIM Coordinator
Augusta Zanzillo
Model Maker
Model Maker Coordinator
Team Member
Modeling Unit Manager
Yuri Costantini
Competition Team
Model Maker
Modeling Specialist
Eugenio Armando De Nicola
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Mario Cucinella
Design Director
Design Leader
Tommaso Bettini
Team Member
Project Director
Marco Dell’Agli
Team Member
Project Leader
Emanuele Dionigi
Team Member
Biagio Amodio
Team Member
Stefano Bastia
Team Member
Project Leader
Paolo Greco
Team Member
Project Leader
Alberto Menozzi
Team Member
Marta Torsello
BIM Coordinator
Team Member
Architect, BIM Coordinator
Augusta Zanzillo
Model Maker
Model Maker Coordinator
Team Member
Modeling Unit Manager
Yuri Costantini
Competition Team
Model Maker
Modeling Specialist
Eugenio Armando De Nicola
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Mario Cucinella
Design Director
Design Leader
Tommaso Bettini
Team Member
Project Director
Marco Dell’Agli
Team Member
Project Leader
Emanuele Dionigi
Team Member
Biagio Amodio
Team Member
Stefano Bastia
Team Member
Project Leader
Paolo Greco
Team Member
Project Leader
Alberto Menozzi
Team Member
Marta Torsello
BIM Coordinator
Team Member
Architect, BIM Coordinator
Augusta Zanzillo
Model Maker
Model Maker Coordinator
Team Member
Modeling Unit Manager
Yuri Costantini
Competition Team
Model Maker
Modeling Specialist
Eugenio Armando De Nicola
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Mario Cucinella
Design Director
Design Leader
Tommaso Bettini
Team Member
Project Director
Marco Dell’Agli
Team Member
Project Leader
Emanuele Dionigi
Team Member
Biagio Amodio
Team Member
Stefano Bastia
Team Member
Project Leader
Paolo Greco
Team Member
Project Leader
Alberto Menozzi
Team Member
Marta Torsello
BIM Coordinator
Team Member
Architect, BIM Coordinator
Augusta Zanzillo
Model Maker
Model Maker Coordinator
Team Member
Modeling Unit Manager
Yuri Costantini
Competition Team
Model Maker
Modeling Specialist
Eugenio Armando De Nicola
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Mario Cucinella
Design Director
Design Leader
Tommaso Bettini
Team Member
Project Director
Marco Dell’Agli
Team Member
Project Leader
Emanuele Dionigi
Team Member
Biagio Amodio
Team Member
Stefano Bastia
Team Member
Project Leader
Paolo Greco
Team Member
Project Leader
Alberto Menozzi
Team Member
Marta Torsello
BIM Coordinator
Team Member
Architect, BIM Coordinator
Augusta Zanzillo
Model Maker
Model Maker Coordinator
Team Member
Modeling Unit Manager
Yuri Costantini
Competition Team
Model Maker
Modeling Specialist
Eugenio Armando De Nicola
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Mario Cucinella
Design Director
Design Leader
Tommaso Bettini
Team Member
Project Director
Marco Dell’Agli
Team Member
Project Leader
Emanuele Dionigi
Team Member
Biagio Amodio
Team Member
Stefano Bastia
Team Member
Project Leader
Paolo Greco
Team Member
Project Leader
Alberto Menozzi
Team Member
Marta Torsello
BIM Coordinator
Team Member
Architect, BIM Coordinator
Augusta Zanzillo
Model Maker
Model Maker Coordinator
Team Member
Modeling Unit Manager
Yuri Costantini
Competition Team
Model Maker
Modeling Specialist
Eugenio Armando De Nicola
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Cemes SpA, Bottai Group
Structural Engineering
Ing. Augusto Bottai
MEP Engineering
Ing. Luca Sani
Works Director
Geometra Andrea Falchi
MCA Visual
Duccio Malagamba; Andrea Testi
Cemes SpA, Bottai Group
Structural Engineering
Ing. Augusto Bottai
MEP Engineering
Ing. Luca Sani
Works Director
Geometra Andrea Falchi
MCA Visual
Duccio Malagamba; Andrea Testi
Cemes SpA, Bottai Group
Structural Engineering
Ing. Augusto Bottai
MEP Engineering
Ing. Luca Sani
Works Director
Geometra Andrea Falchi
MCA Visual
Duccio Malagamba; Andrea Testi
Cemes SpA, Bottai Group
Structural Engineering
Ing. Augusto Bottai
MEP Engineering
Ing. Luca Sani
Works Director
Geometra Andrea Falchi
MCA Visual
Duccio Malagamba; Andrea Testi
DNA Paris Design Awards 2023
NDA Novum Design Award
International Architecture Awards