San Raffaele Hospital

New Surgical and Emergency Pole

An intelligent organism on every level

San Raffaele Hospital is a model of European excellence, where healthcare activities are supported by scientific research and training with a university department. The building of the new Surgical and Urgent Care Pole is a state-of-the-art structure focused on the principles of hospital humanization. The project aims to take care of the patients and the environment. An approach translated in the choice of sustainable and, at the same time, architecturally beautiful and iconic solutions.

The "Iceberg"

The so-called “Iceberg” because of its peculiar shape, was created as an extension in the heart of the existing hospital, abandoning the scheme of horizontal squares to rise in height, combining functionality and aesthetics.
The new building consists of two significant elements that complement each other both architecturally and functionally: the technical plate that houses the most essential hospital functions (such as the surgical block, intensive care, and emergency room) and the tower, which houses the wards, doctors’ offices, and outpatient departments. Both complement the growing demand for care at the international level.

The "Iceberg"

The so-called “Iceberg” because of its peculiar shape, was created as an extension in the heart of the existing hospital, abandoning the scheme of horizontal squares to rise in height, combining functionality and aesthetics.
The new building consists of two significant elements that complement each other both architecturally and functionally: the technical plate that houses the most essential hospital functions (such as the surgical block, intensive care, and emergency room) and the tower, which houses the wards, doctors’ offices, and outpatient departments. Both complement the growing demand for care at the international level.

The "Iceberg"

The so-called “Iceberg” because of its peculiar shape, was created as an extension in the heart of the existing hospital, abandoning the scheme of horizontal squares to rise in height, combining functionality and aesthetics.
The new building consists of two significant elements that complement each other both architecturally and functionally: the technical plate that houses the most essential hospital functions (such as the surgical block, intensive care, and emergency room) and the tower, which houses the wards, doctors’ offices, and outpatient departments. Both complement the growing demand for care at the international level.


The "Iceberg"

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L’“Iceberg”, così soprannominato per la sua forma peculiare, nasce come ampliamento nel cuore dell’Ospedale esistente, abbandonando lo schema delle piazze orizzontali per elevarsi in altezza, unendo funzionalità ed estetica.
Il nuovo edificio è composto da due grandi elementi complementari tra loro, tanto sul piano architettonico che funzionale: la piastra tecnica che ospita le funzioni ospedaliere più importanti (come il blocco chirurgico, la terapia intensiva ed il pronto soccorso) e la torre, all’interno della quale trovano posto i reparti di degenza, gli studi medici e gli ambulatori. Entrambi completano la domanda crescente di cure a livello internazionale.

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“San Raffaele's new Surgical and Emergency Department is certainly one of the projects that best illustrates the firm's commitment to sustainability. Its iconic façade is a clear symbol of this.”

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A welcoming place of healing

The technical plate, which is only one level above ground level, is marked by the utmost pragmatism, including its form, to ensure the functionality and flexibility of the activities housed and guarantee recognizable and brief accesses and routes.
On the other hand, the tower is conceived as a welcoming ‘place of healing.’ It is composed of curved surfaces in answer to the built context and marked by slender lines towards the top that relieve the masses, creating an element of exceptional clarity and recognisability. The tower becomes a landmark gifting users with the light of its facades and the lightness of its volume.

A welcoming place of healing

The technical plate, which is only one level above ground level, is marked by the utmost pragmatism, including its form, to ensure the functionality and flexibility of the activities housed and guarantee recognizable and brief accesses and routes.
On the other hand, the tower is conceived as a welcoming ‘place of healing.’ It is composed of curved surfaces in answer to the built context and marked by slender lines towards the top that relieve the masses, creating an element of exceptional clarity and recognisability. The tower becomes a landmark gifting users with the light of its facades and the lightness of its volume.

A welcoming place of healing

The technical plate, which is only one level above ground level, is marked by the utmost pragmatism, including its form, to ensure the functionality and flexibility of the activities housed and guarantee recognizable and brief accesses and routes.
On the other hand, the tower is conceived as a welcoming ‘place of healing.’ It is composed of curved surfaces in answer to the built context and marked by slender lines towards the top that relieve the masses, creating an element of exceptional clarity and recognisability. The tower becomes a landmark gifting users with the light of its facades and the lightness of its volume.

Un luogo di cura accogliente

A welcoming place of healing

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Un luogo di cura accogliente

La piastra tecnica, che affiora per un solo livello sopra la quota del terreno, è improntata al massimo pragmatismo, anche formale, per assicurare funzionalità e flessibilità alle attività ospitate e per garantire riconoscibilità e brevità agli accessi e ai percorsi. La torre, al contrario, è concepita come un accogliente “luogo della guarigione”. È caratterizzata da un’immagine architettonica alternativa rispetto al paesaggio costruito circostante, composta da superfici curve, plasticamente sensibili alla presenza degli altri edifici, e scandite da linee slanciate verso l’alto che ne alleggeriscono le masse creando un elemento di eccezionale chiarezza e riconoscibilità. La torre diventa un landmark che accompagna gli utenti con la luce delle sue facciate e la leggerezza del suo volume.

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The characteristic envelope

The slight curvature of the elevations makes it possible to differentiate the external view from the patient rooms and improves access to natural light in the central part of the façade. Another characteristic element of the envelope is the large glass surfaces at the corners of the building, where communal living rooms for the patients act as informal meeting places. In winter, these spaces serve as solar greenhouses, reducing the need for heating, while in summer, they are air-conditioned to meet the demand for comfort and thermo-hygrometric control.
Natural elements – light and greenery – integrated into the design increase the interior spaces’ quality and the users’ well-being. The solutions open visually to the green spaces in the patient rooms and the offices.

The characteristic envelope

The slight curvature of the elevations makes it possible to differentiate the external view from the patient rooms and improves access to natural light in the central part of the façade. Another characteristic element of the envelope is the large glass surfaces at the corners of the building, where communal living rooms for the patients act as informal meeting places. In winter, these spaces serve as solar greenhouses, reducing the need for heating, while in summer, they are air-conditioned to meet the demand for comfort and thermo-hygrometric control.
Natural elements – light and greenery – integrated into the design increase the interior spaces’ quality and the users’ well-being. The solutions open visually to the green spaces in the patient rooms and the offices.

The characteristic envelope

The slight curvature of the elevations makes it possible to differentiate the external view from the patient rooms and improves access to natural light in the central part of the façade. Another characteristic element of the envelope is the large glass surfaces at the corners of the building, where communal living rooms for the patients act as informal meeting places. In winter, these spaces serve as solar greenhouses, reducing the need for heating, while in summer, they are air-conditioned to meet the demand for comfort and thermo-hygrometric control.
Natural elements – light and greenery – integrated into the design increase the interior spaces’ quality and the users’ well-being. The solutions open visually to the green spaces in the patient rooms and the offices.

Un involucro caratteristico

The characteristic envelope

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Un involucro caratteristico

La lieve curvatura dei prospetti permette di differenziare la vista esterna dalle camere di degenza, e migliora l’accesso alla luce naturale nella parte centrale della facciata. Un altro elemento caratterizzante dell’involucro sono le ampie superfici vetrate in corrispondenza degli angoli dell’edificio, dove sono stati ricavati dei soggiorni comuni per le degenze, luoghi di incontro informale. Questi spazi nel periodo invernale agiscono come serre solari, riducendo il ricorso all’impianto di riscaldamento, mentre in estate sono climatizzati per soddisfare le esigenze di comfort e controllo termoigrometrico. L’integrazione di elementi naturali, quali luce e verde, all’interno del progetto incrementa la qualità degli spazi interni ed il benessere degli utenti, i quali possono godere della vista degli spazi verdi sia dalle camere di degenza che dagli uffici.

LEED Gold-Certified

The studio has pursued an idea of sustainability closely linked to the quality of hospital space and its humanization, achieved thanks to research into the aesthetic quality of living spaces to promote healing.
The building’s cutting-edge and highly efficient plant design will help to reduce the building’s energy consumption. The new Surgical and Emergency Centre will be the first LEED Gold-certified hospital in Italy.

LEED Gold-Certified

The studio has pursued an idea of sustainability closely linked to the quality of hospital space and its humanization, achieved thanks to research into the aesthetic quality of living spaces to promote healing.
The building’s cutting-edge and highly efficient plant design will help to reduce the building’s energy consumption. The new Surgical and Emergency Centre will be the first LEED Gold-certified hospital in Italy.

LEED Gold-Certified

The studio has pursued an idea of sustainability closely linked to the quality of hospital space and its humanization, achieved thanks to research into the aesthetic quality of living spaces to promote healing.
The building’s cutting-edge and highly efficient plant design will help to reduce the building’s energy consumption. The new Surgical and Emergency Centre will be the first LEED Gold-certified hospital in Italy.

Certificazione LEED Gold

LEED Gold-Certified

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Certificazione LEED Gold

Il Nuovo Polo Chirurgico e delle Urgenze è il primo ospedale certificato LEED Gold in Italia. Sostenibilità, qualità dello spazio ospedaliero e sua umanizzazione, uniti a qualità estetica degli ambienti abitativi sono le basi di un progetto che favorisce la guarigione. Il Nuovo Polo Chirurgico e delle Urgenze è all’avanguardia anche dal punto di vista impiantistico: grazie alla sua efficienza, contribuirà a ridurre il consumo energetico dell’edificio.

The bioclimatic project

The bioclimatic project

The bioclimatic project

Il progetto bioclimatico

The bioclimatic project

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Il progetto bioclimatico

The bioclimatic project

The bioclimatic project

The bioclimatic project

Il progetto bioclimatico

The bioclimatic project

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Il progetto bioclimatico

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IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele
Milan, Italy
40,000 sqm


Mario Cucinella Architects

Project Team

Mario Cucinella
Team Member
Project Director
Marco Dell’Agli
Team Member
Project Leader
Emanuele Dionigi
Team member
Project Director
Esperto in Architettura Sanitaria
Giulio Desiderio
Project Leader
Team Member
Laura Mancini
Team Member
Design Leader
Design Director
Michele Olivieri
Team Member
Martina Buccitti
Team Member
Project Leader
Alberto Menozzi
Team Member
Giuseppe Perrone
Team Member
Matteo Donini
Team Member
Lello Fulginiti
Competition team
Team Member
Daniele Basso
Project Director
Team Member
Andrea Rossi
Model Maker
Model Maker Coordinator
Team Member
Yuri Costantini
Model Maker
Ambra Cicognani
Model Maker
Andrea Genovesi
Team Member
Eurind Caka
Team Member
Stefano Bastia
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Francesco Cerulli
Mario Cucinella
Team Member
Project Director
Marco Dell’Agli
Team Member
Project Leader
Emanuele Dionigi
Team member
Project Director
Esperto in Architettura Sanitaria
Giulio Desiderio
Project Leader
Team Member
Laura Mancini
Team Member
Design Leader
Design Director
Michele Olivieri
Team Member
Martina Buccitti
Team Member
Project Leader
Alberto Menozzi
Team Member
Giuseppe Perrone
Team Member
Matteo Donini
Team Member
Lello Fulginiti
Competition team
Team Member
Daniele Basso
Project Director
Team Member
Andrea Rossi
Model Maker
Model Maker Coordinator
Team Member
Yuri Costantini
Model Maker
Ambra Cicognani
Model Maker
Andrea Genovesi
Team Member
Eurind Caka
Team Member
Stefano Bastia
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Francesco Cerulli
Mario Cucinella
Team Member
Project Director
Marco Dell’Agli
Team Member
Project Leader
Emanuele Dionigi
Team member
Project Director
Esperto in Architettura Sanitaria
Giulio Desiderio
Project Leader
Team Member
Laura Mancini
Team Member
Design Leader
Design Director
Michele Olivieri
Team Member
Martina Buccitti
Team Member
Project Leader
Alberto Menozzi
Team Member
Giuseppe Perrone
Team Member
Matteo Donini
Team Member
Lello Fulginiti
Competition team
Team Member
Daniele Basso
Project Director
Team Member
Project Leader
R&D Specialist
Andrea Rossi
Model Maker
Model Maker Coordinator
Team Member
Modeling Unit Manager
Yuri Costantini
Model Maker
Ambra Cicognani
Model Maker
Andrea Genovesi
Team Member
Eurind Caka
Team Member
Stefano Bastia
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Francesco Cerulli
Mario Cucinella
Team Member
Project Director
Marco Dell’Agli
Team Member
Project Leader
Emanuele Dionigi
Team member
Project Director
Esperto in Architettura Sanitaria
Giulio Desiderio
Project Leader
Team Member
Laura Mancini
Team Member
Design Leader
Design Director
Michele Olivieri
Team Member
Martina Buccitti
Team Member
Project Leader
Alberto Menozzi
Team Member
Giuseppe Perrone
Team Member
Matteo Donini
Team Member
Lello Fulginiti
Competition team
Team Member
Daniele Basso
Project Director
Team Member
Project Leader
R&D Specialist
Andrea Rossi
Model Maker
Model Maker Coordinator
Team Member
Modeling Unit Manager
Yuri Costantini
Model Maker
Ambra Cicognani
Model Maker
Andrea Genovesi
Team Member
Eurind Caka
Team Member
Stefano Bastia
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Francesco Cerulli
Mario Cucinella
Team Member
Project Director
Marco Dell’Agli
Team Member
Project Leader
Emanuele Dionigi
Team member
Project Director
Esperto in Architettura Sanitaria
Giulio Desiderio
Project Leader
Team Member
Laura Mancini
Team Member
Design Leader
Design Director
Michele Olivieri
Team Member
Martina Buccitti
Team Member
Project Leader
Alberto Menozzi
Team Member
Giuseppe Perrone
Team Member
Matteo Donini
Team Member
Lello Fulginiti
Competition team
Team Member
Daniele Basso
Project Director
Team Member
Project Leader
Andrea Rossi
Model Maker
Model Maker Coordinator
Team Member
Modeling Unit Manager
Yuri Costantini
Model Maker
Ambra Cicognani
Model Maker
Andrea Genovesi
Team Member
Eurind Caka
Team Member
Stefano Bastia
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Francesco Cerulli
Mario Cucinella
Team Member
Project Director
Marco Dell’Agli
Team Member
Project Leader
Emanuele Dionigi
Team member
Project Director
Esperto in Architettura Sanitaria
Giulio Desiderio
Project Leader
Team Member
Laura Mancini
Team Member
Design Leader
Design Director
Michele Olivieri
Team Member
Martina Buccitti
Team Member
Project Leader
Alberto Menozzi
Team Member
Giuseppe Perrone
Team Member
Matteo Donini
Team Member
Lello Fulginiti
Competition team
Team Member
Daniele Basso
Project Director
Team Member
Andrea Rossi
Model Maker
Model Maker Coordinator
Team Member
Yuri Costantini
Model Maker
Ambra Cicognani
Model Maker
Andrea Genovesi
Team Member
Eurind Caka
Team Member
Stefano Bastia
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Francesco Cerulli
Mario Cucinella
Team Member
Project Director
Marco Dell’Agli
Team Member
Project Leader
Emanuele Dionigi
Team member
Project Director
Esperto in Architettura Sanitaria
Giulio Desiderio
Project Leader
Team Member
Laura Mancini
Team Member
Design Leader
Design Director
Michele Olivieri
Team Member
Martina Buccitti
Team Member
Project Leader
Alberto Menozzi
Team Member
Giuseppe Perrone
Team Member
Matteo Donini
Team Member
Lello Fulginiti
Competition team
Team Member
Daniele Basso
Project Director
Team Member
Andrea Rossi
Model Maker
Model Maker Coordinator
Team Member
Yuri Costantini
Model Maker
Ambra Cicognani
Model Maker
Andrea Genovesi
Team Member
Eurind Caka
Team Member
Stefano Bastia
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Francesco Cerulli
Mario Cucinella
Team Member
Project Director
Marco Dell’Agli
Team Member
Project Leader
Emanuele Dionigi
Team member
Project Director
Esperto in Architettura Sanitaria
Giulio Desiderio
Project Leader
Team Member
Laura Mancini
Team Member
Design Leader
Design Director
Michele Olivieri
Team Member
Martina Buccitti
Team Member
Project Leader
Alberto Menozzi
Team Member
Giuseppe Perrone
Team Member
Matteo Donini
Team Member
Lello Fulginiti
Competition team
Team Member
Daniele Basso
Project Director
Team Member
Andrea Rossi
Model Maker
Model Maker Coordinator
Team Member
Yuri Costantini
Model Maker
Ambra Cicognani
Model Maker
Andrea Genovesi
Team Member
Eurind Caka
Team Member
Stefano Bastia
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Francesco Cerulli
Mario Cucinella
Team Member
Project Director
Marco Dell’Agli
Team Member
Project Leader
Emanuele Dionigi
Team member
Project Director
Esperto in Architettura Sanitaria
Giulio Desiderio
Project Leader
Team Member
Laura Mancini
Team Member
Design Leader
Design Director
Michele Olivieri
Team Member
Martina Buccitti
Team Member
Project Leader
Alberto Menozzi
Team Member
Giuseppe Perrone
Team Member
Matteo Donini
Team Member
Lello Fulginiti
Competition team
Team Member
Daniele Basso
Project Director
Team Member
Andrea Rossi
Model Maker
Model Maker Coordinator
Team Member
Yuri Costantini
Model Maker
Ambra Cicognani
Model Maker
Andrea Genovesi
Team Member
Eurind Caka
Team Member
Stefano Bastia
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Francesco Cerulli
Healthcare Layout Project
InAr Ingegneria Architettura
Structural STEP Engineering
Ballardini Studio di Ingegneria
Building Services Engineering
Deerns Italia SpA
Project Management
Ing. Alessandro Bartucci, Arch. Adriano Moras
Fire And Safety Design
Ranieri Studio Tecnico Associato
Itinera SpA
Aza Aghito Zambonini Srl
MCA Visual
Duccio Malagamba
Healthcare Layout Project
InAr Ingegneria Architettura
Structural STEP Engineering
Ballardini Studio di Ingegneria
Building Services Engineering
Deerns Italia SpA
Project Management
Ing. Alessandro Bartucci, Arch. Adriano Moras
Fire And Safety Design
Ranieri Studio Tecnico Associato
Itinera SpA
Aza Aghito Zambonini Srl
MCA Visual
Duccio Malagamba
Healthcare Layout Project
InAr Ingegneria Architettura
Structural STEP Engineering
Ballardini Studio di Ingegneria
Building Services Engineering
Deerns Italia SpA
Project Management
Ing. Alessandro Bartucci, Arch. Adriano Moras
Fire And Safety Design
Ranieri Studio Tecnico Associato
Itinera SpA
Aza Aghito Zambonini Srl
MCA Visual
Duccio Malagamba
Healthcare Layout Project
InAr Ingegneria Architettura
Structural STEP Engineering
Ballardini Studio di Ingegneria
Building Services Engineering
Deerns Italia SpA
Project Management
Ing. Alessandro Bartucci, Arch. Adriano Moras
Fire And Safety Design
Ranieri Studio Tecnico Associato
Itinera SpA
Aza Aghito Zambonini Srl
MCA Visual
Duccio Malagamba
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