Santa Maria Goretti Church

Architecture and contemporary art in dialogue with the sacred

Solitary and monolithic

The new parish church of Santa Maria Goretti rises from the northern edge of the Calabrian hill town Mormanno, commanding views of the mountainous Pollino National Park.

A cross that, lit by night, is seen like a beacon

The church is entered through a tall incision made in one of its four white concrete apses, the entrance forming a tall external cross that, lit by night, is seen like a beacon, from afar. The numinous interior, lit diaphanously from above through folds of translucent fabric hung in the form of curvaceous drapes from the 16-metre-high ceiling, has been inspired by, on the one hand, a resolute focus on the eucharist and prayer and, on the other, by the geometries of Italy’s most beautiful Baroque churches.

A cross that, lit by night, is seen like a beacon

The church is entered through a tall incision made in one of its four white concrete apses, the entrance forming a tall external cross that, lit by night, is seen like a beacon, from afar. The numinous interior, lit diaphanously from above through folds of translucent fabric hung in the form of curvaceous drapes from the 16-metre-high ceiling, has been inspired by, on the one hand, a resolute focus on the eucharist and prayer and, on the other, by the geometries of Italy’s most beautiful Baroque churches.

A cross that, lit by night, is seen like a beacon

The church is entered through a tall incision made in one of its four white concrete apses, the entrance forming a tall external cross that, lit by night, is seen like a beacon, from afar. The numinous interior, lit diaphanously from above through folds of translucent fabric hung in the form of curvaceous drapes from the 16-metre-high ceiling, has been inspired by, on the one hand, a resolute focus on the eucharist and prayer and, on the other, by the geometries of Italy’s most beautiful Baroque churches.

Una croce che, illuminata di notte, sembra un faro

A cross that, lit by night, is seen like a beacon

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Una croce che, illuminata di notte, sembra un faro

Alla chiesa si accede attraverso un’incisione praticata in una delle sue quattro absidi di cemento bianco; l’ingresso forma un’alta croce esterna che, illuminata di notte, è visibile da lontano come un faro.

L’interno è pervaso dalla luce naturale, protagonista e simbolo del linguaggio cristiano; è illuminato diafanamente dall’alto attraverso pieghe di tessuto traslucido appese in forma di drappi sinuosi al soffitto alto 16 metri. Questi riempiono lo spazio centrale riverberando la luce naturale attraverso le sue pieghe in un gioco di riflessi che si rifà allo spettacolo mistico delle aurore boreali, generando così un’atmosfera intima e raccolta.

Il progetto si ispira sia all’eucaristia e alla preghiera sia alle geometrie delle più belle chiese barocche italiane.

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Lines and shapes

The north side of the parish centre features a scalloped roof line in dialogue with the four-leafed clover plan and form of the church. Church bells are also concealed within the walls.

Lines and shapes

The north side of the parish centre features a scalloped roof line in dialogue with the four-leafed clover plan and form of the church. Church bells are also concealed within the walls.

Lines and shapes

The north side of the parish centre features a scalloped roof line in dialogue with the four-leafed clover plan and form of the church. Church bells are also concealed within the walls.

Linee e forme

Lines and shapes

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Linee e forme

Il tetto a nord, presenta una forma smerlata che dialoga con la pianta e la forma a quadrifoglio della chiesa. Le campane si trovano nascoste tra le mura.

“The architecture of the Church, its interior spaces, the interventions of the artist Giuseppe Maraniello are the stations of a path of spiritual growth. In the study of forms we sought balance: the ability to combine sacred moments with the liturgical enjoyment of the church.”

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The interior architecture

Inside, the relationship between art an architecture continues. Reflecting the fluid shapes of the walls, the artist Giuseppe Maraniello has created a lectern, tabernacle, baptismal font and figure of the Virgin Mary in stone, bronze and mosaic.

The interior architecture

Inside, the relationship between art an architecture continues. Reflecting the fluid shapes of the walls, the artist Giuseppe Maraniello has created a lectern, tabernacle, baptismal font and figure of the Virgin Mary in stone, bronze and mosaic.

The interior architecture

Inside, the relationship between art an architecture continues. Reflecting the fluid shapes of the walls, the artist Giuseppe Maraniello has created a lectern, tabernacle, baptismal font and figure of the Virgin Mary in stone, bronze and mosaic.

Gli interni

The interior architecture

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Gli interni

All’interno forte è la relazione fra arte e architettura. Le opere scultoree realizzate dall’artista Giuseppe Maraniello, come l’Ambone, la figura della Vergine Maria, la Custodia Eucaristica e il Fonte Battesimale, riprendono le forme fluide delle pareti della Cappella. Per la loro realizzazione sono stati utilizzati materiali legati alla tradizione, come la pietra, il bronzo e il mosaico che inoltre si confrontano e dialogano con l’impianto barocco.

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“Designing a church is a message of continuity with the spirit of art that has passed unperturbed through the centuries of humanity”

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Minimal furniture

Furniture in wood and steel by MCA Design is minimal and austere to highlight the architectural and sculptural elements of the church interior.

Minimal furniture

Furniture in wood and steel by MCA Design is minimal and austere to highlight the architectural and sculptural elements of the church interior.

Minimal furniture

Furniture in wood and steel by MCA Design is minimal and austere to highlight the architectural and sculptural elements of the church interior.

Un design minimal

Minimal furniture

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Un design minimal

Gli arredi in legno e acciaio, disegnati da MCA Design, sono stati volutamente pensati con un design minimale e austero, per mettere in risalto gli elementi architettonici e scultorei.

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The bioclimatic project

The bioclimatic project

The bioclimatic project

Il progetto bioclimatico

The bioclimatic project

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Il progetto bioclimatico

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Relationship with nature

During the design, particular attention was paid to the harmonious relationship with the surrounding nature. The green roofs and the planted internal courtyards, as well as the organic garden in front of the Rectory for 0 km cultivation, also at the service of the community, contribute to the sustainability of the project.

Relationship with nature

During the design, particular attention was paid to the harmonious relationship with the surrounding nature. The green roofs and the planted internal courtyards, as well as the organic garden in front of the Rectory for 0 km cultivation, also at the service of the community, contribute to the sustainability of the project.

Relationship with nature

During the design, particular attention was paid to the harmonious relationship with the surrounding nature. The green roofs and the planted internal courtyards, as well as the organic garden in front of the Rectory for 0 km cultivation, also at the service of the community, contribute to the sustainability of the project.

Relazione con la natura

Relationship with nature

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Relazione con la natura

Durante la progettazione, una particolare attenzione è stata rivolta al rapporto armonioso con la natura circostante. Le coperture verdi e le corti interne piantumate, così come l’orto biologico antistante la Casa Canonica, a servizio anche della comunità, contribuiscono alla sostenibilità del progetto.

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Diocesi di Cassano all’Jonio
Mormanno, Italy
950 sqm


Mario Cucinella Architects

Project Team

Mario Cucinella
Project Director
Team Member
Project Leader
Luca Sandri
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
Team Member
Project Leader
Emanuele Dionigi
Team Member
Enrico Pintabona
Team Member
Project Director
Michele Roveri
Team Member
Alberto Bruno
Project Leader
Alberto Casarotto
Model Maker
Model Maker Coordinator
Team Member
Modeling Unit Manager
Yuri Costantini
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Mario Cucinella
Project Director
Team Member
Project Leader
Luca Sandri
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
Team Member
Project Leader
Emanuele Dionigi
Team Member
Enrico Pintabona
Team Member
Project Director
Michele Roveri
Team Member
Alberto Bruno
Project Leader
Alberto Casarotto
Model Maker
Model Maker Coordinator
Team Member
Modeling Unit Manager
Yuri Costantini
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Mario Cucinella
Project Director
Team Member
Project Leader
Luca Sandri
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
Team Member
Project Leader
Emanuele Dionigi
Team Member
Enrico Pintabona
Team Member
Project Director
Michele Roveri
Team Member
Alberto Bruno
Project Leader
Alberto Casarotto
Model Maker
Model Maker Coordinator
Team Member
Modeling Unit Manager
Yuri Costantini
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Mario Cucinella
Project Director
Team Member
Project Leader
Luca Sandri
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
Team Member
Project Leader
Emanuele Dionigi
Team Member
Enrico Pintabona
Team Member
Project Director
Michele Roveri
Team Member
Alberto Bruno
Project Leader
Alberto Casarotto
Model Maker
Model Maker Coordinator
Team Member
Modeling Unit Manager
Yuri Costantini
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Mario Cucinella
Project Director
Team Member
Project Leader
Luca Sandri
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
Team Member
Project Leader
Emanuele Dionigi
Team Member
Enrico Pintabona
Team Member
Project Director
Michele Roveri
Team Member
Alberto Bruno
Project Leader
Alberto Casarotto
Model Maker
Model Maker Coordinator
Team Member
Modeling Unit Manager
Yuri Costantini
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Mario Cucinella
Project Director
Team Member
Project Leader
Luca Sandri
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
Team Member
Project Leader
Emanuele Dionigi
Team Member
Enrico Pintabona
Team Member
Project Director
Michele Roveri
Team Member
Alberto Bruno
Project Leader
Alberto Casarotto
Model Maker
Model Maker Coordinator
Team Member
Modeling Unit Manager
Yuri Costantini
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Mario Cucinella
Project Director
Team Member
Project Leader
Luca Sandri
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
Team Member
Project Leader
Emanuele Dionigi
Team Member
Enrico Pintabona
Team Member
Project Director
Michele Roveri
Team Member
Alberto Bruno
Project Leader
Alberto Casarotto
Model Maker
Model Maker Coordinator
Team Member
Modeling Unit Manager
Yuri Costantini
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Mario Cucinella
Project Director
Team Member
Project Leader
Luca Sandri
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
Team Member
Project Leader
Emanuele Dionigi
Team Member
Enrico Pintabona
Team Member
Project Director
Michele Roveri
Team Member
Alberto Bruno
Project Leader
Alberto Casarotto
Model Maker
Model Maker Coordinator
Team Member
Modeling Unit Manager
Yuri Costantini
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Mario Cucinella
Project Director
Team Member
Project Leader
Luca Sandri
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
Team Member
Project Leader
Emanuele Dionigi
Team Member
Enrico Pintabona
Team Member
Project Director
Michele Roveri
Team Member
Alberto Bruno
Project Leader
Alberto Casarotto
Model Maker
Model Maker Coordinator
Team Member
Modeling Unit Manager
Yuri Costantini
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Structural Engineering
Milan Ingegneria
Plant Design
Ing. Paolo Scuderi, Ing. Riccardo Giannon
System and firefighting consulting
Ing. Gabriele Rassellini
Generali Costruzioni
Works Manager
Arch. Gaetano Leto
Procedure Manager
Geom. Raffaele Boise
MCA Visual, Francesco Naimoli
Giuseppe Maraniello
Don Amilcare Zuffi
Duccio Malagamba
Structural Engineering
Milan Ingegneria
Plant Design
Ing. Paolo Scuderi, Ing. Riccardo Giannon
System and firefighting consulting
Ing. Gabriele Rassellini
Generali Costruzioni
Works Manager
Arch. Gaetano Leto
Procedure Manager
Geom. Raffaele Boise
MCA Visual, Francesco Naimoli
Giuseppe Maraniello
Don Amilcare Zuffi
Duccio Malagamba
Structural Engineering
Milan Ingegneria
Plant Design
Ing. Paolo Scuderi, Ing. Riccardo Giannon
System and firefighting consulting
Ing. Gabriele Rassellini
Generali Costruzioni
Works Manager
Arch. Gaetano Leto
Procedure Manager
Geom. Raffaele Boise
MCA Visual, Francesco Naimoli
Giuseppe Maraniello
Don Amilcare Zuffi
Duccio Malagamba
Structural Engineering
Milan Ingegneria
Plant Design
Ing. Paolo Scuderi, Ing. Riccardo Giannon
System and firefighting consulting
Ing. Gabriele Rassellini
Generali Costruzioni
Works Manager
Arch. Gaetano Leto
Procedure Manager
Geom. Raffaele Boise
MCA Visual, Francesco Naimoli
Giuseppe Maraniello
Don Amilcare Zuffi
Duccio Malagamba
WAF – World Architecture Festival Awards 2023
IN/ARCHITETTURA 2023 Calabria - Special Mention
Architizer A+Awards
Architizer A+Awards 2022
ACDA - Architecture, Construction & Design Awards 2022 - Second place
BLT - Built Design Awards
International Architecture Awards