Snake flower Residential Complex

Residential Complex

The idea of the importance of green spaces combined with residences is at the heart of the intervention.

The result is a multiplicity of solutions and complexity of spaces held together by a structure consisting of green roof gardens, courtyards, public parks and private gardens.

The organization of the scheme and distribution of housing utilize a free plan designed to allow greater flexibility of space, dictated by the desire to maximize solar capture, both in terms of energy use and of natural light.

Type: Competition
Client: Brioschi gruppo Cabassi
Surface area: 15 000 m2
Project: Mario Cucinella Architects
Team: Mario Cucinella, Elizabeth Francis, Sara Bergami, Stefano Brunelli, Eva Cantwell, Cristina Garavelli
Engineering: ARUP
Photo credit: MCArchive

The result is a multiplicity of solutions and complexity of spaces held together by a structure consisting of green roof gardens, courtyards, public parks and private gardens.

The organization of the scheme and distribution of housing utilize a free plan designed to allow greater flexibility of space, dictated by the desire to maximize solar capture, both in terms of energy use and of natural light.

Type: Competition
Client: Brioschi gruppo Cabassi
Surface area: 15 000 m2
Project: Mario Cucinella Architects
Team: Mario Cucinella, Elizabeth Francis, Sara Bergami, Stefano Brunelli, Eva Cantwell, Cristina Garavelli
Engineering: ARUP
Photo credit: MCArchive

The result is a multiplicity of solutions and complexity of spaces held together by a structure consisting of green roof gardens, courtyards, public parks and private gardens.

The organization of the scheme and distribution of housing utilize a free plan designed to allow greater flexibility of space, dictated by the desire to maximize solar capture, both in terms of energy use and of natural light.

Type: Competition
Client: Brioschi gruppo Cabassi
Surface area: 15 000 m2
Project: Mario Cucinella Architects
Team: Mario Cucinella, Elizabeth Francis, Sara Bergami, Stefano Brunelli, Eva Cantwell, Cristina Garavelli
Engineering: ARUP
Photo credit: MCArchive

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Il risultato è una molteplicità di soluzioni e una complessità di spazi tenuti insieme da una struttura verde fatta di giardini pensili, corti interne, parchi pubblici e giardini pertinenziali.

L’organizzazione planimetrica e la distribuzione degli alloggi, pensati a pianta libera per consentire una maggiore flessibilità degli spazi, è dettata dalla volontà di ottimizzare i guadagni solari sia dal punto di vista energetico sia dell’uso della luce naturale.

Tipologia: Concorso
Cliente: Brioschi Gruppo Cabassi
Superficie: 15 000 m2
Progetto: Mario Cucinella Architects
Team: Mario Cucinella, Elizabeth Francis, Sara Bergami, Stefano Brunelli, Eva Cantwell, Cristina Garavelli
Ingegneria: ARUP
Photo credit: MCArchive



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