Kuwait School – Green School

L'architecture as a sign of peace

The project promotes the use of affordable and locally sourced materials and simple construction systems, minimizing the use of advanced and expensive technologies.

The school, developed by MCA in partnership with UNRWA (The United Nations Relief and Work for Palestine Refugees in the Near East) with the financial support of the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development, through the Islamic Development Bank, will be built in Khan Younis, in the Gaza Strip.

This is a pilot project that aims to develop an off-grid building relying on only locally available and renewable resources.

Partnership: UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East) & Building Green Futures
Build up area: 4 263 sqm
Project:Mario Cucinella Architects
Team: Mario Cucinella,  Giulia Pentella with Rigoberto Arambula, Luca Bertacchi, Fabrizio Bonatti, Alberto Bruno, Marco Dell’Agli, Hyun Seok  Kim, Monica Luppi, Michele Olivieri, Giuseppe Perrone, Luca Sandri, Luca Stramigioli: Models: Yuri Costantini
Techinical Staff: UNRWA Gaza and Amman
Environmental design Consultant:prof. Brian Ford, Natural Cooling; b&a associati architetture sostenibili
Structural design: Milan Ingegneria srl
Electromechanical design: Manens-Tifs s.p.a.
Water harvesting system design: ARTECambiente srl
Capacity Building M&E: Building Green Futures;  Marna design – Arch. Rashid Abdelhamid
Visual: Cristian Chierici – CC79, MIR
Photo credit: MCArchive

Prize: Premio Pilosio 2012
Expositions: Design Library, Fuori Salone 2012, Milano

The school, developed by MCA in partnership with UNRWA (The United Nations Relief and Work for Palestine Refugees in the Near East) with the financial support of the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development, through the Islamic Development Bank, will be built in Khan Younis, in the Gaza Strip.

This is a pilot project that aims to develop an off-grid building relying on only locally available and renewable resources.

Partnership: UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East) & Building Green Futures
Build up area: 4 263 sqm
Project:Mario Cucinella Architects
Team: Mario Cucinella,  Giulia Pentella with Rigoberto Arambula, Luca Bertacchi, Fabrizio Bonatti, Alberto Bruno, Marco Dell’Agli, Hyun Seok  Kim, Monica Luppi, Michele Olivieri, Giuseppe Perrone, Luca Sandri, Luca Stramigioli: Models: Yuri Costantini
Techinical Staff: UNRWA Gaza and Amman
Environmental design Consultant:prof. Brian Ford, Natural Cooling; b&a associati architetture sostenibili
Structural design: Milan Ingegneria srl
Electromechanical design: Manens-Tifs s.p.a.
Water harvesting system design: ARTECambiente srl
Capacity Building M&E: Building Green Futures;  Marna design – Arch. Rashid Abdelhamid
Visual: Cristian Chierici – CC79, MIR
Photo credit: MCArchive

Prize: Premio Pilosio 2012
Expositions: Design Library, Fuori Salone 2012, Milano

The school, developed by MCA in partnership with UNRWA (The United Nations Relief and Work for Palestine Refugees in the Near East) with the financial support of the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development, through the Islamic Development Bank, will be built in Khan Younis, in the Gaza Strip.

This is a pilot project that aims to develop an off-grid building relying on only locally available and renewable resources.

Partnership: UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East) & Building Green Futures
Build up area: 4 263 sqm
Project:Mario Cucinella Architects
Team: Mario Cucinella,  Giulia Pentella with Rigoberto Arambula, Luca Bertacchi, Fabrizio Bonatti, Alberto Bruno, Marco Dell’Agli, Hyun Seok  Kim, Monica Luppi, Michele Olivieri, Giuseppe Perrone, Luca Sandri, Luca Stramigioli: Models: Yuri Costantini
Techinical Staff: UNRWA Gaza and Amman
Environmental design Consultant:prof. Brian Ford, Natural Cooling; b&a associati architetture sostenibili
Structural design: Milan Ingegneria srl
Electromechanical design: Manens-Tifs s.p.a.
Water harvesting system design: ARTECambiente srl
Capacity Building M&E: Building Green Futures;  Marna design – Arch. Rashid Abdelhamid
Visual: Cristian Chierici – CC79, MIR
Photo credit: MCArchive

Prize: Premio Pilosio 2012
Expositions: Design Library, Fuori Salone 2012, Milano

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La scuola, sviluppata da MCA in partnership con UNRWA (The United nations relief and work for Palestine Refugees in the Near East) con il supporto finanziario del Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development, attraverso l’Islamic Development Bank, verrà realizzata in Khan Younis, nella Striscia di Gaza.

Si tratta di un progetto pilota che ha come obiettivo quello di concepire un edificio off-grid capace di sfruttare solo risorse rinnovabili e localmente disponibili.

Partnership: UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East) & Building Green Futures
Superficie: 4 263 mq
Progetto: Mario Cucinella Architects
Team: Mario Cucinella, Giulia Pentella con Rigoberto Arambula, Luca Bertacchi, Fabrizio Bonatti, Alberto Bruno, Marco Dell’Agli, Hyun Seok Kim, Monica Luppi, Michele Olivieri, Giuseppe Perrone, Luca Sandri, Luca Stramigioli. Modelli: Yuri Costantini
Staff tecnico: UNRWA di Gaza e di Amman
Consulenza sulle strategie ambientali: Prof. Brian Ford, Natural Cooling; b&a Associati Architetture Sostenibili
Strutture: Milan Ingegneria srl
Progettazione degli impianti meccanici ed elettrici:Manens-Tifs s.p.a.
Progettazione del sistema di recupero delle acque: ARTECambiente srl
Capacity Building e Direzione artistica: Building Green Futures; Marna Design – Arch. Rashid Abdelhamid
Visual: Cristian Chierici – CC79, MIR
Photo credit: MCArchive

Premi: Premio Pilosio 2012
Esposizioni: Design Library, Fuori Salone 2012, Milano-Prototyping Architecture Exhibition 2012-2013, Nottingham & London – The Oslo Architecture Triennale 2013, Oslo



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