TECLA – Technology and Clay

The first eco-sustainable housing prototype 3D printed from raw earth

One of Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities

Metaphorically inspired by one of Italo Calvino's Invisible Cities - one that is forever taking shape - TECLA, a 3D printed prototype dwelling, is a synthesis of MCA's design philosophy. The name TECLA (a result of Technology and Clay) evokes the strong link between past the future combining the materiality and spirit of timeless ancient dwellings with the 21st-Century world of high-tech 3d printings.

A new eco-sustainable home prototype

It is an innovative home prototype in 3D-printing that integrates research into vernacular construction practices, climate studies, and bioclimatic principles, together with the use of natural and local materials. Developed in collaboration with WASP, TECLA was established in 2020 to satisfy the need for 0-km green housing. The project takes inspiration from the potter wasp to offer solutions to housing emergencies around the world, both in the peripheral areas of metropolitan cities and in the context of crises generated by mass migration and natural disasters. Driven by a desire to better respond to people’s needs, TECLA finds an answer for the “Earth” in the use of “earth.”

A new eco-sustainable home prototype

It is an innovative home prototype in 3D-printing that integrates research into vernacular construction practices, climate studies, and bioclimatic principles, together with the use of natural and local materials. Developed in collaboration with WASP, TECLA was established in 2020 to satisfy the need for 0-km green housing. The project takes inspiration from the potter wasp to offer solutions to housing emergencies around the world, both in the peripheral areas of metropolitan cities and in the context of crises generated by mass migration and natural disasters. Driven by a desire to better respond to people’s needs, TECLA finds an answer for the “Earth” in the use of “earth.”

A new eco-sustainable home prototype

It is an innovative home prototype in 3D-printing that integrates research into vernacular construction practices, climate studies, and bioclimatic principles, together with the use of natural and local materials. Developed in collaboration with WASP, TECLA was established in 2020 to satisfy the need for 0-km green housing. The project takes inspiration from the potter wasp to offer solutions to housing emergencies around the world, both in the peripheral areas of metropolitan cities and in the context of crises generated by mass migration and natural disasters. Driven by a desire to better respond to people’s needs, TECLA finds an answer for the “Earth” in the use of “earth.”

Un nuovo prototipo di casa ecosostenibile

A new eco-sustainable home prototype

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Un nuovo prototipo di casa ecosostenibile

Si tratta di un prototipo di casa stampato in 3D, in cui confluiscono le ricerche sulle pratiche costruttive vernacolari, lo studio del clima e dei principi bioclimatici, l’uso di materiali naturali e locali e l’applicazione delle più avanzate tecnologie della stampa tridimensionale. Sviluppato in collaborazione con WASP, TECLA nasce nel 2020 per soddisfare il bisogno della casa green a km 0, prendendo ispirazione dalla vespa vasaia come risposta al grande tema globale dell’emergenza abitativa cui si dovrà fare fronte, sia nelle aree periferiche delle grandi città metropolitane, sia nei contesti di crisi generati dalle grandi migrazioni e dalle catastrofi naturali. Un progetto ispirato dalla volontà di avvicinarsi alle esigenze delle persone e che trova nella terra una risposta per la Terra.

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A joint project by MCA and WASP

Developed in collaboration with WASP (World’s Advanced Saving Project), Mario Cucinella Architects began the TECLA initiative in 2019 and worked on protypes based around research on homelessness in different climates made by SOS – School of Sustainability – the Postgraduate School founded by Mario Cucinella. The result is exemplary of an empathic relationship between the application of technologies and architecture, constituting a profound step-change in the provision of eco-housing.

A joint project by MCA and WASP

Developed in collaboration with WASP (World’s Advanced Saving Project), Mario Cucinella Architects began the TECLA initiative in 2019 and worked on protypes based around research on homelessness in different climates made by SOS – School of Sustainability – the Postgraduate School founded by Mario Cucinella. The result is exemplary of an empathic relationship between the application of technologies and architecture, constituting a profound step-change in the provision of eco-housing.

A joint project by MCA and WASP

Developed in collaboration with WASP (World’s Advanced Saving Project), Mario Cucinella Architects began the TECLA initiative in 2019 and worked on protypes based around research on homelessness in different climates made by SOS – School of Sustainability – the Postgraduate School founded by Mario Cucinella. The result is exemplary of an empathic relationship between the application of technologies and architecture, constituting a profound step-change in the provision of eco-housing.

Un progetto congiunto di MCA e WASP

A joint project by MCA and WASP

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Un progetto congiunto di MCA e WASP

Sviluppato in collaborazione con WASP (World’s Advanced Saving Project), MCA ha avviato lo studio del progetto TECLA nel 2019 basandosi sulle ricerche di ecosostenibilità di SOS – School of Sustainability – scuola fondata da Mario Cucinella. Questo progetto è il risultato del rapporto empatico tra tecnologia e architettura e costituisce il primo passo verso un cambiamento nella concezione di alloggi ecologici.

Exterior view of the Mumbai case study. The bioclimatic strategies were inspired by the principles of the typical vernacular architecture of countries with hot humid climates, characterized by tall, lightweight, ventilated structures, Visual by SOS
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Exterior view of the Sapporo case study. The bioclimatic strategies were inspired by the principles of the typical vernacular architecture of countries with cold polar climates, characterized by complex structures with minimal heat loss, Visual by SOS
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Exterior view of the Amman case study. The bioclimatic strategies were inspired by the principles of the vernacular architecture of cave-dwellings in countries with hot, dry climates, Visual by SOS
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One of the most important advantages offered by 3D printing technology as compared to traditional construction techniques is its extreme flexibility of form. Parametrization makes it possible to obtain complex and variable forms that until now were unthinkable. However, this freedom is not limited to the creation of new forms, as it also has important repercussions on building performance, as regards the building envelope. Based on the input of geometrical parameters and climate data, the characteristics of the building envelope change for each project to provide the best-performing configuration for the specific site.

Three parameters are used to optimize the infill for the TECLA system: ventilation (entrusted to the outer layer), thermal insulation (created by filling the inner cavities with rice husks, an industrial by-product), and thermal mass (which increases with increased thicknesses of the “ribbing” in earthen material of the infill).[...]

The infinite combinations make it possible to determine the optimal configuration for each type of climate, by increasing or decreasing some characteristics with respect to others. Thus, in the case of a very humid climate, the thermal mass − which can store unwanted humidity − is a critical aspect, and its increase corresponds with widely spaced ribs and a very thick ventilating layer. In the same way, in a rigid climate the insulation will become dominant with respect to the other layers, while limiting the amount of ventilation that puts the shell in contact with the cold outside air. The result, as summarized in the image with the optimization matrix, is an infill design that is based on a very simple concept and the use of local materials, and which is capable of adapting to the environmental context and ensuring the highest levels of internal comfort.


One of the most important advantages offered by 3D printing technology as compared to traditional construction techniques is its extreme flexibility of form. Parametrization makes it possible to obtain complex and variable forms that until now were unthinkable. However, this freedom is not limited to the creation of new forms, as it also has important repercussions on building performance, as regards the building envelope. Based on the input of geometrical parameters and climate data, the characteristics of the building envelope change for each project to provide the best-performing configuration for the specific site.

Three parameters are used to optimize the infill for the TECLA system: ventilation (entrusted to the outer layer), thermal insulation (created by filling the inner cavities with rice husks, an industrial by-product), and thermal mass (which increases with increased thicknesses of the “ribbing” in earthen material of the infill).[...]

The infinite combinations make it possible to determine the optimal configuration for each type of climate, by increasing or decreasing some characteristics with respect to others. Thus, in the case of a very humid climate, the thermal mass − which can store unwanted humidity − is a critical aspect, and its increase corresponds with widely spaced ribs and a very thick ventilating layer. In the same way, in a rigid climate the insulation will become dominant with respect to the other layers, while limiting the amount of ventilation that puts the shell in contact with the cold outside air. The result, as summarized in the image with the optimization matrix, is an infill design that is based on a very simple concept and the use of local materials, and which is capable of adapting to the environmental context and ensuring the highest levels of internal comfort.


One of the most important advantages offered by 3D printing technology as compared to traditional construction techniques is its extreme flexibility of form. Parametrization makes it possible to obtain complex and variable forms that until now were unthinkable. However, this freedom is not limited to the creation of new forms, as it also has important repercussions on building performance, as regards the building envelope. Based on the input of geometrical parameters and climate data, the characteristics of the building envelope change for each project to provide the best-performing configuration for the specific site.

Three parameters are used to optimize the infill for the TECLA system: ventilation (entrusted to the outer layer), thermal insulation (created by filling the inner cavities with rice husks, an industrial by-product), and thermal mass (which increases with increased thicknesses of the “ribbing” in earthen material of the infill).[...]

The infinite combinations make it possible to determine the optimal configuration for each type of climate, by increasing or decreasing some characteristics with respect to others. Thus, in the case of a very humid climate, the thermal mass − which can store unwanted humidity − is a critical aspect, and its increase corresponds with widely spaced ribs and a very thick ventilating layer. In the same way, in a rigid climate the insulation will become dominant with respect to the other layers, while limiting the amount of ventilation that puts the shell in contact with the cold outside air. The result, as summarized in the image with the optimization matrix, is an infill design that is based on a very simple concept and the use of local materials, and which is capable of adapting to the environmental context and ensuring the highest levels of internal comfort.



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Una delle principali innovazioni messe a disposizione dalla tecnologia di stampa 3D rispetto alle tecniche di costruzione tradizionali è certamente l’estrema flessibilità della forma. La parametrizzazione, infatti, permette di ottenere forme complesse e variabili fino ad ora impensabili. Questa libertà, tuttavia, non si limita a consentire la realizzazione di nuove forme ma può avere importanti ripercussioni anche sulle performance dell’edificio, in particolare su quelle dell’involucro edilizio. Involucro che è in grado, sulla base di alcuni parametri geometrici prestabiliti, di cambiare parametricamente in base al dato climatico, dando vita, di volta in volta, alla configurazione più performante rispetto al luogo per cui è pensato.

Tre sono i parametri presi in considerazione per l’ottimizzazione dell’infill di TECLA: la ventilazione e l’ombreggiamento (affidata allo strato più esterno), l’isolamento (ottenuto grazie al riempimento delle cavità intermedie con lolla di[...] riso, prodotto di scarto della lavorazione del cereale) e la massa termica (che aumenta all’aumentare delle “nervature” di terra dell’infill).

Ogni tipo di clima troverà in queste infinite combinazioni una configurazione ottimale, determinata dalla massimizzazione/minimizzazione di alcune caratteristiche rispetto alle altre. Così a un clima molto umido, per cui la massa termica – capace di immagazzinare umidità indesiderata – risulta un aspetto critico, corrisponderanno sinusoidi molto dilatate e uno strato ventilante molto ampio. Allo stesso modo in un clima rigido l’isolamento diventerà preponderante rispetto agli altri strati, limitando gli apporti della ventilazione che mettono in contatto l’involucro con l’aria fredda esterna. Il risultato, che è riassunto nell’immagine della matrice di ottimizzazione, è un infill capace di adattarsi al contesto ambientale e garantire i massimi livelli di comfort interno pur partendo da materiali locali e da una grande semplicità di concezione.

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“We like to think that TECLA was the beginning of a new story. It would be truly extraordinary to shape the future by transforming this ancient material with the technologies we have available today. The aesthetics of this house are the result of a technical and material effort; it was not an aesthetic approach only. It is an honest form, a sincere form.”

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A nearly zero-emission project

TECLA, a pioneering example of low-carbon housing, is a demonstration of what can be achieved if we combine our current knowledge with that coming from the past; man has been able to build and develop resilient ecosystems, taking into account bioclimatic principles and using natural and local materials that can still be applied in the future. The use of local materials makes it possible to shorten the supply chain; the use of 3D printing reduces waste and scrap.

A nearly zero-emission project

TECLA, a pioneering example of low-carbon housing, is a demonstration of what can be achieved if we combine our current knowledge with that coming from the past; man has been able to build and develop resilient ecosystems, taking into account bioclimatic principles and using natural and local materials that can still be applied in the future. The use of local materials makes it possible to shorten the supply chain; the use of 3D printing reduces waste and scrap.

A nearly zero-emission project

TECLA, a pioneering example of low-carbon housing, is a demonstration of what can be achieved if we combine our current knowledge with that coming from the past; man has been able to build and develop resilient ecosystems, taking into account bioclimatic principles and using natural and local materials that can still be applied in the future. The use of local materials makes it possible to shorten the supply chain; the use of 3D printing reduces waste and scrap.

Un progetto a basse emissioni di carbonio

A nearly zero-emission project

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Un progetto a basse emissioni di carbonio

TECLA, esempio pionieristico di abitazione a basse emissioni di carbonio, è la dimostrazione di cosa si può realizzare se uniamo le nostre conoscenze attuali con quelle che ci arrivano dal passato; l’uomo ha saputo costruire e sviluppare ecosistemi resilienti, tenendo conto dei principi bioclimatici e utilizzando materiali naturali e locali che potranno essere ancora applicati in futuro. L’uso di materiali locali consente di accorciare la filiera; l’impiego della stampa 3D di contenere i rifiuti e gli scarti.

Combining 3D printing Technology

3D printing technology permits a single dwelling unit to be built in just 72 hours, considerably less time than required by traditional construction practices. By using earth (mud) as a building material and paying careful attention to the design of the shell in terms of mechanical and thermal performance, the amount of waste and carbon emissions is greatly reduced. Great attention was paid to those technological aspects ranging from optimisation of the shape to the conglomerate to the study of the infill, whose variability and adaptability to the climatic context were defined on the basis of environmental parameters such as humidity, ventilation, thermal inertia and shading.

Combining 3D printing Technology

3D printing technology permits a single dwelling unit to be built in just 72 hours, considerably less time than required by traditional construction practices. By using earth (mud) as a building material and paying careful attention to the design of the shell in terms of mechanical and thermal performance, the amount of waste and carbon emissions is greatly reduced. Great attention was paid to those technological aspects ranging from optimisation of the shape to the conglomerate to the study of the infill, whose variability and adaptability to the climatic context were defined on the basis of environmental parameters such as humidity, ventilation, thermal inertia and shading.

Combining 3D printing Technology

3D printing technology permits a single dwelling unit to be built in just 72 hours, considerably less time than required by traditional construction practices. By using earth (mud) as a building material and paying careful attention to the design of the shell in terms of mechanical and thermal performance, the amount of waste and carbon emissions is greatly reduced. Great attention was paid to those technological aspects ranging from optimisation of the shape to the conglomerate to the study of the infill, whose variability and adaptability to the climatic context were defined on the basis of environmental parameters such as humidity, ventilation, thermal inertia and shading.

Tecnologia di stampa 3D

Combining 3D printing Technology

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Tecnologia di stampa 3D

La tecnologia studiata per la stampa 3D consente di realizzare una singola unità in 72 ore, con una considerevole diminuzione delle tempistiche rispetto alle tecnologie costruttive tradizionali e una significativa riduzione dei rifiuti e delle emissioni prodotte, grazie all’utilizzo della terra come materiale costruttivo e allo studio delle performance meccaniche e termiche dell’involucro. Grande attenzione è stata posta su quegli aspetti tecnologici che vanno dall’ottimizzazione della forma a quella del conglomerato fino allo studio dell’infill, la cui variabilità e adattabilità al contesto climatico sono state definite sulla base di parametri ambientali quali umidità, ventilazione, inerzia termica, ombreggiamento.

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The prototype

The prototype, with a floor area of approximately 60 sqm,was built in the WASP technology park and provided an opportunity to reflect on the challenges posed by the new technology.

The prototype, two deformed dome elements, provided a living area and a sleeping area with a bathroom and with some of the furniture elements moulded together with the structure. This last feature, although it limited to some extent the flexibility of use of the rooms, was interesting with respect to the possibility of making the artefact ready – in all its aspects – in the shortest possible time.

The prototype was not limited to proposing a building in isolation, but was also intended as a portion of a hypothetical larger masterplan: an off-grid piece of the city capable of creating a loop for the recovery of water (hence the presence of the pond) and energy. TECLA aims to create small smart-communities capable of self-producing, distributing or circulating water, energy and waste.

The prototype

The prototype, with a floor area of approximately 60 sqm,was built in the WASP technology park and provided an opportunity to reflect on the challenges posed by the new technology.

The prototype, two deformed dome elements, provided a living area and a sleeping area with a bathroom and with some of the furniture elements moulded together with the structure. This last feature, although it limited to some extent the flexibility of use of the rooms, was interesting with respect to the possibility of making the artefact ready – in all its aspects – in the shortest possible time.

The prototype was not limited to proposing a building in isolation, but was also intended as a portion of a hypothetical larger masterplan: an off-grid piece of the city capable of creating a loop for the recovery of water (hence the presence of the pond) and energy. TECLA aims to create small smart-communities capable of self-producing, distributing or circulating water, energy and waste.

The prototype

The prototype, with a floor area of approximately 60 sqm,was built in the WASP technology park and provided an opportunity to reflect on the challenges posed by the new technology.

The prototype, two deformed dome elements, provided a living area and a sleeping area with a bathroom and with some of the furniture elements moulded together with the structure. This last feature, although it limited to some extent the flexibility of use of the rooms, was interesting with respect to the possibility of making the artefact ready – in all its aspects – in the shortest possible time.

The prototype was not limited to proposing a building in isolation, but was also intended as a portion of a hypothetical larger masterplan: an off-grid piece of the city capable of creating a loop for the recovery of water (hence the presence of the pond) and energy. TECLA aims to create small smart-communities capable of self-producing, distributing or circulating water, energy and waste.

Il prototipo

The prototype

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Il prototipo

Il prototipo, di circa 60 mq, è stato realizzato nel Parco Tecnologico di WASP ed è stato occasione per una riflessione sulle sfide poste dalla nuova tecnologia.

Il prototipo, due elementi a cupola deformati, ha previsto una zona giorno e una zona notte con bagno e con alcuni degli elementi di arredo stampati insieme alla struttura. Quest’ultima caratteristica, sebbene abbia limitato in parte la flessibilità di utilizzo degli ambienti, è risultata interessante rispetto alla possibilità di rendere il manufatto pronto – in tutti i suoi aspetti – nel minor tempo possibile.

Il prototipo non si è limitato a proporre un edificio isolato, ma è stato anche inteso come porzione di un ipotetico masterplan più ampio: un pezzo di città off-grid in grado di creare un loop per il recupero delle acque (da cui la presenza del laghetto) e dell’energia. TECLA punta a creare piccole smart-communities  in grado di auto-produrre, distribuire o far circolare acqua, energia e rifiuti.

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Parco tecnologico di WASP, Italia
Special Projects
60 sqm


Mario Cucinella Architects

Project Team

Mario Cucinella
Irene Giglio
Team Member
Augusto Barichello
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
Massimo Moretti
Alberto Chiusoli
Francesco De Fabritiis
Massimo Visionà
Senior R&D Specialist
Lorenzo Porcelli
R&D Unit Manager
Lori Zillante
Stefano Rosso
Competition team
R&D Specialist
Senior R&D Specialist
Lapo Naldoni
Mario Cucinella
Irene Giglio
Team Member
Augusto Barichello
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
Massimo Moretti
Alberto Chiusoli
Francesco De Fabritiis
Massimo Visionà
Senior R&D Specialist
Lorenzo Porcelli
R&D Unit Manager
Lori Zillante
Stefano Rosso
Competition team
R&D Specialist
Senior R&D Specialist
Lapo Naldoni
Mario Cucinella
Irene Giglio
Team Member
Augusto Barichello
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
Massimo Moretti
Alberto Chiusoli
Francesco De Fabritiis
Massimo Visionà
Senior R&D Specialist
Lorenzo Porcelli
R&D Unit Manager
Lori Zillante
Stefano Rosso
Competition team
R&D Specialist
Senior R&D Specialist
Lapo Naldoni
Mario Cucinella
Irene Giglio
Team Member
Augusto Barichello
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
Massimo Moretti
Alberto Chiusoli
Francesco De Fabritiis
Massimo Visionà
Senior R&D Specialist
Lorenzo Porcelli
R&D Unit Manager
Lori Zillante
Stefano Rosso
Competition team
R&D Specialist
Senior R&D Specialist
Lapo Naldoni
Mario Cucinella
Irene Giglio
Team Member
Augusto Barichello
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
Massimo Moretti
Alberto Chiusoli
Francesco De Fabritiis
Massimo Visionà
Senior R&D Specialist
Lorenzo Porcelli
R&D Unit Manager
Lori Zillante
Stefano Rosso
Competition team
R&D Specialist
Senior R&D Specialist
Lapo Naldoni
Mario Cucinella
Irene Giglio
Team Member
Augusto Barichello
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
Massimo Moretti
Alberto Chiusoli
Francesco De Fabritiis
Massimo Visionà
Senior R&D Specialist
Lorenzo Porcelli
R&D Unit Manager
Lori Zillante
Stefano Rosso
Competition team
R&D Specialist
Senior R&D Specialist
Lapo Naldoni
Mario Cucinella
Irene Giglio
Team Member
Augusto Barichello
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
Massimo Moretti
Alberto Chiusoli
Francesco De Fabritiis
Massimo Visionà
Senior R&D Specialist
Lorenzo Porcelli
R&D Unit Manager
Lori Zillante
Stefano Rosso
Competition team
R&D Specialist
Senior R&D Specialist
Lapo Naldoni
Mario Cucinella
Irene Giglio
Team Member
Augusto Barichello
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
Massimo Moretti
Alberto Chiusoli
Francesco De Fabritiis
Massimo Visionà
Senior R&D Specialist
Lorenzo Porcelli
R&D Unit Manager
Lori Zillante
Stefano Rosso
Competition team
R&D Specialist
Senior R&D Specialist
Lapo Naldoni
Mario Cucinella
Irene Giglio
Team Member
Augusto Barichello
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
Massimo Moretti
Alberto Chiusoli
Francesco De Fabritiis
Massimo Visionà
Senior R&D Specialist
Lorenzo Porcelli
R&D Unit Manager
Lori Zillante
Stefano Rosso
Competition team
R&D Specialist
Senior R&D Specialist
Lapo Naldoni
Research Partner
SOS - School of Sustainability
Under the Patronage of
Comune di Massa Lombarda
Sponsored by
Ter Costruzioni
Infilling Blend Optimization in 3D Printing Phase
Structural Engineering
Milan Ingegneria
Landscape Design
Capoferri Serramenti
Infilling Bio-Material
Lighting Project
Earthen Floor
Wood Finishes
Imola Legno
Table Recycled wood
Seats Recycled cardboard
Officine Tamborrino
Orange Fiber
Electric Solutions
Cefla, Imola
Iago Corazza
The Family
Research Partner
SOS - School of Sustainability
Under the Patronage of
Comune di Massa Lombarda
Sponsored by
Ter Costruzioni
Infilling Blend Optimization in 3D Printing Phase
Structural Engineering
Milan Ingegneria
Landscape Design
Capoferri Serramenti
Infilling Bio-Material
Lighting Project
Earthen Floor
Wood Finishes
Imola Legno
Table Recycled wood
Seats Recycled cardboard
Officine Tamborrino
Orange Fiber
Electric Solutions
Cefla, Imola
Iago Corazza
The Family
Research Partner
SOS - School of Sustainability
Under the Patronage of
Comune di Massa Lombarda
Sponsored by
Ter Costruzioni
Infilling Blend Optimization in 3D Printing Phase
Structural Engineering
Milan Ingegneria
Landscape Design
Capoferri Serramenti
Infilling Bio-Material
Lighting Project
Earthen Floor
Wood Finishes
Imola Legno
Table Recycled wood
Seats Recycled cardboard
Officine Tamborrino
Orange Fiber
Electric Solutions
Cefla, Imola
Iago Corazza
The Family
Research Partner
SOS - School of Sustainability
Under the Patronage of
Comune di Massa Lombarda
Sponsored by
Ter Costruzioni
Infilling Blend Optimization in 3D Printing Phase
Structural Engineering
Milan Ingegneria
Landscape Design
Capoferri Serramenti
Infilling Bio-Material
Lighting Project
Earthen Floor
Wood Finishes
Imola Legno
Table Recycled wood
Seats Recycled cardboard
Officine Tamborrino
Orange Fiber
Electric Solutions
Cefla, Imola
Iago Corazza
The Family
EDIDA - ELLE Deco International Design Awards 2022